An Attempt at a Sorc17er - Signups (FULL)

If Jinxed and Olivest hydra’d, would they be named Jolly?

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No i am hazard. But thank you most convincing person in the world

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That would be one fucking crazy hydra

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I’m sure sharing a space with hazardous waste will be good for my health.


Look you can be the confidence half. I’ll be the active half. Its fine its perfect it wont go wrong

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I have been around kiiruma for a year and he is fine! You’ll be fine

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I’m fine with this arrangement.
Let’s hope phase changes are at a decent hour.

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Just to be sure, you mainly converse using capitalisation and punctuation, but not with ending full stops, is that right?

I need to know for when I pretend to be you.



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I caught that without you saying it, thank you.

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das kapital by karl marx

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Because through winning I get to teach my new kouhai how to play the game I love.

I always wanted to be a dad tbh, might not get the chance in that way, I really love teaching and watching players grow. You can’t set an example if you look bad all the time.

My students are watching, I’ve got to look cool.

(that last line is a Gojo quote)

Sometimes omitting certain punctuation or the capitalisation of “i”, depending on the vibe, or maybe on unreliable autocorrect that catches some apostrophes but not others?

I think about typing styles a normal amount

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My typing is more consistent here than on my laid back alt, it’s funny.

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literally it is so easy to copy my typing style, just type like your speaking. dont have any care for punctuation rules sometimes use them sometimes dont and then put some emotive “…'s” sometimes

Yeah, you’re inconsistent over there. I remember being so proud of myself catching you ghostwrote the message you had Gorta send in the KRC… and then completely failing to follow through on the conclusion that should’ve led me to.

Just talk about how great you are and post some Gojo gifs and no one will tell the difference.

if RPing as me

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See, but everyone speaks differently. I type how I speak. We type differently. More laid-back typing styles are actually harder to copy. I always went for more-formal in my Alting Days

i think you guessed my age through my typing style

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