An Attempt at a Sorc17er - Signups (FULL)

More formal, but also more emotive. I was an all-lowercase bitch for a while, and my alts would be capitalisation + some punctuation (exclamation points) + emoticons. They were very :D. I had some that didn’t follow the pattern, but the :D was the alternative typing style that came most naturally to me.

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To be fair, I mainly figured people wouldn’t care that hard about it because it didn’t mean a lot. I was at liberty to make up anything about my claim and even if my rolecard flipped, people wouldn’t question how I performed my actions.

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damn i have only just realised if we ever hydra’d no one would tell us apart


It isn’t natural for me, but I have been said to come across as passive aggressive sometimes because of my punctuation so I tried to keep it simpler over there.

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I don’t think I give away my age most of the time, although I reference my mafia history enough that the math gives it away.

The tone of your wordings are different enough, but fair enough.

you’re around mid 30s?

I was pretty good at passing for Jaiden on Olivest. Suit Guy and I are mostly similar in typing styles already, only having a couple of vocabulary differences, and so we were indistinguishable on BostonFlours (… plus, none of you knew him). None of my other hydras have been one-account. So my record is pretty good for impersonation

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I am 36, yes.

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I’m five

Remember when you said that you subtracted your mental approximation of someone’s age if they started talking or asking others to guess about it, May?

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Oh, I forgot about my other instance of impersonation: April Fools’. Several people thought Magnus and I actually swapped accounts. That’s a W.

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Hi five I’m hazard

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i am still amazed this joke hasnt gotten me executed yet


Sometimes it can go backwards, if someone’s older than the average around a site and feels it’s a notable difference. But yeah, most of the time, it’s a youngtell.

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Like, there’s certain casual references where it’s just curiosity. The tell’s the focus.

given how well I’ve been playing ~lately your streak might be in danger if we rand the same team :upside_down_face:

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whoever gets the bomb please kill the hydras first ty from the behalf of everyone

(just kidding)

(or am i)

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I carried you in Pokemash. I will carry you here as well.

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