April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I said i trusted kirr?

Bad meta but leafia took this seriously. Probably makes them town.


yes, pushing the blame onto kii instead of you when your vote flips T

Okay you pass the test. I nullread you


If you want to convince me otherwise give me some unique thoughts on the game


So when i flip t we vote you based on rhe worst logic imaginable. I have said this before timming doesnt matter because peopel come and go online. So you doing that against me when you are trying to vote me plus trying to push on me for coming online at a random moment. Not a good argument.

I would say sure if I wasn’t mod confirmable

I am also mod confirmable

Youre sticking so hard to this timing argument when that’s not even a part of the reason I voted you, just another separate thing you did I found wolfy after voting you


So I engaged with slots, which is a big part of this game and you disliked that? Ok.

You know I’m a mechanically minded player so disliking the fact that I’ve ran with the mech bit is unusual and you should know better about me :confused: I can’t tell if you’re pushing me in bad faith or somehow have forgotten everything about me.

??? What

You know its really odd, Goose rolefishes, Teen accuses them of being neutral, and then neither vote each other


“Im mod conformable”

Everyone fucking mod conformable at this point

Nah I don’t even want to consider what power the wolves would have if two people were mod confirmable

It again looks like textbook clear your evil buddy material for when one of them flips evil

3 didnt kii also say theu were mod confirmable?

I historically love neuts and am not in fact neuts out (barring like SK or smn obv)


They said ability, not alignment.

My ability is hard confirmable.
My alignment is not necessarily.

Ahh got ya.