April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Votecount as of post #190

wrongboy (4): Bionic, SultanOfSlam, TeenGhidorah, Leafia
Bionic (1): Eve
TeenGhidorah (1): wrongboy
Memekingpizza (1): Zoltraak
Leafia (1): Wazza

Not Voting (7): Memekingpizza, Someone, bystander, Anonygoose, Frostwolf103, LittleLee, Kiiruma

mmmm I kinda see it
the way they say:

and just leave feels pretty awkward


  • if he were comfortable with the situation more i’m not sure he just reacts to me and then poofs out of existencenot acknowledging the rest of the thread

it’s a joke meant to disguise a bit of nervousness, wherever that may come from - is my read

Going to head out for a bit to play Cuphead for the Switch. Highly recommend it. :sleepingleafeon:

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So far Bionic’s the slot I’m most comfortable with. I’m happily trying to work out how my rolecard is lying to me this time considering my past experiences too but I’m not gonna say any more than that (Until I inevitably do in not too long of a time frame)


So I can’t suddenly be called to do something. Got it.

hi kiiruma

i’m not sure if i approve of this ship but your pfp is cute so i’ll let it slide :pregnant_man:

you can, and that was in the back of my mind
but I didn’t want to say “oh maybe they just had to leave” and give you an easy out if you were frozen


But back to this. So no other things it’s based off of.

what other things could it be based off though?

like if you know it’s a nothing vote…

The thing is phrasing is important. It made me sound like I just said something to just say something and leave. It paints it in a negative light from the tone.

The prejudice. Besides I don’t like them from what I got from them is there anything behind that like an actual reason yknow.

also didn’t the OP say this game wasn’t bastard? I don’t think your rolecard would be disingenuous if so

there’s a negative light because yeah, that’s how it came off to me


right but, you understand the concept of reaction tests don’t you

A joke about people not thinking his joke was funny?

The thing is zoltraak reaction tests work if it’s out of left field. This is day one where you know nothing about me so you had nothing to compare it to if I did react more to it.

getting the game going requires doing some arbitrary actions and seeing what happens, it’s annoying to be in the firing line but i find this kind of level-0 thinking a bit suspect

tempted to say T!Bionic → T!Zoltraak
