April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Hmm ah yeah, ignore the social play on Day 1 that saved Zoltraak, good one.

Also I really feel like Zoltrak is like just the nueut nglngl

Eve would be a decent shot I feel.

thats not even close to what that meant

it’s possible that what Lee said at the time wasn’t really AI of the people he mentioned, given the votecount at the time


for like the 5th time if you could read please, I have to successfully pull off my night action to be able to reveal

Then why the hell have you not been doing it since N1

Your vote makes no sense

Disagree, Sultan was covering for Lee

Regarding this, when people want me dead asap, which may happen soon, I would like prior warning so I can full claim as this explains all my actions. If people try to last minute switch to me I will be sad.

I"ll probably full claim at final 9 if im alive anyway to be honest.

Sultan is top 5 for sure

Like I said earlier it is always better for an IC to reveal as late as physically possible

and once again x2, I have limited chances to reveal so the later I do it the higher the chance I get to reveal

cards on the table - ghidorah is reading fairly tonally towny to me even if i disagree strongly with his methodology, I think that table dynamics are pointing toward a misexe, and sultan’s giving me the vibe by unvoting that he’s okay with the ghidorah execution but he just doesn’t want his name on the wagon

100% false

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Earlier is better

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What was the reason for Eve town again? Wagons should be between Eve and Bionic.

youre wrong, the less town in the game the mathematically more beneficial an IC reveal is, esp when its guaranteed they die the next night

#2066 feels very wolfy to me as well

No, any IC claim by day 3 that isnt revealed gets executed