April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

He looks wolfy because he has been rolefishing and not shooting, if he is real tho, then it fully changes

Mafia will not kill me to be honest, I am most likely getting hung or suiciding in next few days anyway.

vote sultan with me

VOTE: SultanofSlam

Kiiruma is far from spewed town and I suspect them a bit at least. Zolt is spewed town though.

Ok but when u look at literally everyone else ppl got different lists

Im not really confident on a W sultan flip but sure ig VOTE: Sultan

Thats why im asking what ppl think the PoE is

cuz there isnt 1 POE

I accept Zoltraak is probably town but I think they are wolfsiding currently so I doubt they will die.

Ill attempt to reveal tn if majority wants me to but if that is what yall want and I do manage to successfully reveal I will then be done and not participate in the remainder of the day, then I will simply perish in the night

who are you more confident on? we have a shot as well if goose is telling the truth

No it doesn’t because he could still be a wolf or at best a harmful neut.


Yeah not gonna lie you should definitely reveal tonight lol.

id rather eve over sultan I checked their ISO earlier and didn’t see a single thing in 110 or so posts that town pinged me

I still cant guarantee it even if I try tn

I highly doubt wolves would go for you even if you reveal and reveal now or die.

Yea this is 100% the last day im willing to wait for the IC “reveal”

would you shoot eve here?

Thats a bad shot