April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

alright so, why didn’t you protect anyone on N1

you have three shots, it’s more likely than not that you live for 3 nights or fewer, and especially after wagoning me you’d expect to be in the firing line right?

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yea we 100% execute that

for like the 7th fucking time

Like I said earlier it is always better for an IC to reveal as late as physically possible

and once again x2, I have limited chances to reveal so the later I do it the higher the chance I get to reveal

  1. @Zoltraak
  2. @Someone
  3. @Memekingpizza
  4. @TeenGhidorah (@/SirDerpsAlot + @/Psyaryu)
  5. @Bionic
  6. @SultanOfSlam
  7. @Leafia
  8. @Kiiruma
  9. @Anonygoose
  10. @Frostwolf103
  11. @bystander
  12. @Eve (@/pandora + @/lilith)
  13. @Wazza

That’s so so so so so sos os sos osso sos os eosfoldhsrjhdflghjmldv,h’

no now you have 0 chances to reveal

I decided pre game I wass never shooting N1 and only shooting N2 if their were 2+ deaths N1

I feel like Eve is town unless I’m being duped by mechanics in a Zone game again

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No I dont think so, have you seen LittleLee’s role and interactions with the game? It’s barely worth protecting.

what the hell

Do we expect 3 or 4 mafia

Votecount as of post #2232

TeenGhidorah (4): bystander, Someone, Bionic, Leafia
SultanOfSlam (2): Zoltraak, TeenGhidorah
Eve (1): Frostwolf103
Zoltraak (1): Eve
Wazza (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (4): Memekingpizza, Anonygoose, Wazza, SultanOfSlam

this is the mathmaticlly best option? Its never good for an IC to reveal early if they can reveal later when the POE is smaller

On a 15 game? What the usual balance you go with?

okay the nicest thing i can say to that is that i disagree

anyways feel free to exe me always a good laugh to see town exe an IC

No clue, cuz also guaranteed neut

(I expect 3-4 non-town since it’s usually a 3:1 ratio town:mafia. So 2-3 left)

do the math???

so like 10V4V1?