April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

or 9V4V2

my other head suggested it to me before I even had the chance to tell them its what I thought was the best option too LOL

Psyaryu or Derps suggestion

have you considered learning from past mistakes and not getting duped by mech again smh

mech is superior

Psy suggested it to me as I was getting ready to suggest to them that we should hold the shot N1 always

gets fucked by zones mech constantly

“Mech is superior dw guys”

Hmmm, you get one chance. Reveal tomorrow or get executed.


Best chance to hit a wolf I feel since I don’t think people will follow me onto Goose for some reason.

Zolt, get your vote off of Sultan and onto Eve. Sultan, please join me on Eve.

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Yea no, I get fucked by mod errors, not by the mech itself

The mech is fine

I do not want to be that rolefisher guy once again but like, does anyone beleive and/or confirm thiz?

Nobody answer that


they already said their role is confirmed not their alignment so it legit doesn’t matter

Someone you are obsessed with me

I feel like that argument makes sense only in a total vaccuum and even then only some of the time - given the gamestate i think you ought to realise that you’re getting PoEd and any chance at all of you revealing on Day 2 helps narrow the noose on wolves if only to prevent your own death - if you had said you’d tried to protect say leaf or myself and failed, fair enough - but i think wrongboy would have been one of 4 good candidates for the nightkill, and similarly for any night, like they’re not random are they? even scum just missing a nightkill is a huge bonus, by the end of Night three there may be, if there are multiple kills some days/nights, fewer than half theplayerlist remaining… I just think your thought process is very flawed and doesn’t incorporate all the information around you

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You keep trying to fuck us over by making people claim

Wazza isn’t even close to being confirmed.

Yeah because half the players I want to vote keep syaing they have mech or are confirmed so what am I supposed to do

I dont feel its my problem if town mis exes me before I can reveal or run out of shots

If I ran out of shots and couldn’t reveal id say fair enough that I’m being exed

being aggressively paranoid about resolving claims when down a mafia D1 is actually WILD tho