April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Explain mountanous games to me then, please <3

Votes, Pushes, Executions, Flips

well, you only need one or two people to do that and Iā€™m perfectly capable, or at least I see myself as so. Even if you donā€™t like to rely on them I donā€™t think it means itā€™s a tool that the entire town should neglect.

As in your doctor shots - if you have a good townread that you trust then simply protect that? Like before even the ā€˜revealingā€™ considerations come into play, the fact that town has a doctor that can protect three towns is pretty immensely powerful, and itā€™s not too hard to see how you can take advantage of it. Holstering it sucks.

Night kills, pleanty of mech

Honestly i dont mind the other two vote getters with 2 since both of them have a yellow read. But i can understand why if the teen must go through so you dont tunnel them to the ends of the earth here.

nah teen doesnā€™t die today

Those are all social aspects of reading goober

That is mech not social

Mech is Factual based, Social is not

I feel like weā€™re almost playing this as if itā€™s a Lylo when like, weā€™re far from that

VOTE: Sultan

The way I looked at it, is I see the IC reveal as generally a lot stronger than a protect here. Esp cuz theirs a neutral so cross kills can exist and a successful protect isnā€™t a green like it would be without that possibility. So my mindset was to play in a way that maximises a chance of me using the strongest part of my role since Iā€™m limited shot and only get a single protect anyways

yeah but guess what? No one came up with anything useful to report.

Social reads it is.

no mech is based on role mechanics, flips, votes, etc, are all social aspect of the game as the anylasis of them is all based on the social aspect and the implications of those. Eg. A mafia flip means you would then make a social analysis of where they seemed to socially be buddying with partners

speaking like that definitely doesnā€™t help


this is why im so confused

Wait so do you only reveal if you doctor protect correctly?

well Iā€™m saying is if you trust your social reads, how often is your top town mafia? True a save isnā€™t a green check but it itā€™s 1/2 of a mislynch to town either way

VOTE: Someone

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