April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!


I am not the only one in the know here

Im gonna defer to the other person

I don’t care about that, but someone is implying he has an alignment clear that he doesn’t want to share?

role not alignment

But I dont see the role being mafia

maybe neut but eh

then it’s useless as ghidorah said

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Did you see LittleLee flip?


yea I know

I stand by what I said

Someone can you read the flipped mafias role? Theirs already an example of a mafia role intended to feel like a town role that helps mafia on the DL

Games without mech and with only social reads.

You can’t just claim this without explaining why.

mafia could very easily have a rolecard that has ambiguous abilities, for instance lee’s abilities could be framed as being extremely helpful to town, as goose pointed out - without alignment lee just looks like a town inventor

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You know why dont make me spell it out

Its really obvious

Read LittleLee’s card and tell how their JOAT ability is manupulative

Im dumn then cuz idk what it is

So how’s Eve’s mech any different