April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You arent you

I have literally seen a wolf with Eveā€™s exact ability in a mafia game so donā€™t give me that.

so basically all you are saying is that you know eve has some abilities that could be useful to the town if eve is town

It is far more townsided then mafia

Lets just hang eve then we can all see their abilities in thread

Someone, I swear to god.

I dont see how it could be a mafia role

If it is what I think it is anyway.

it is

if itā€™s investigative then - okay thereā€™s just likely a non-factional traitor here

Iā€™ve seen it as one so very easily. It wasnā€™t even in a Zone game.

It isnā€™t investigative.

I havent ever so idk

And I think its more likely to be good then rand

protective? town may have night vigs
transporter? okay mafia driver is a common role

otherwise iā€™m struggling to think of an ability that could even be perceived as ā€˜town onlyā€™

Look if you are confident I wont contest it then, but in my eyes it feels really good

Wouldnā€™t that reveal Eveā€™s mech if you die?

I promise you zone takes pride in you thinking that

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It isnā€™t AI as it could very easily belong to a wolf and anyone at this point could guess what Eveā€™s ability is through backreading.

No people wont know