April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

And it fucked up some perfectly good mafia plays!!! That VT claim was PERFECT and Person To Not Be Named killed me anyway because they don’t like me. My mafia plays!!!


Why doesn’t this sound like Zenon’s law on one of three hydra’s exactly?

Do you have enough votes to make judgement? (youurself, sultan, leafia and ghidorah)


Townreading Bionic, Zoltraak and holding off accusation from Derps, he is off good start.

Sultan voted on wrongboy’s wagon too, I see. But why not anyone else you could have voted?

My taste in characters that I think are good together is irrelevant.
What matters are my reads and thoughts

I was expecting previous relationships and games to have an affect but not nearly to this degree. It feels claims are being made solely off them. At least the initial hours. Just an observation based on lack of experience and knowing anyone here.


Personally, it feels a little disingenuous… so I hope any grudges or history can be put aside. At least in the long run.


Votecount as of post #287

wrongboy (3): Bionic, TeenGhidorah, Leafia
Leafia (2): Wazza, wrongboy
Eve (2): SultanOfSlam, bystander
SultanOfSlam (1): Zoltraak

Not Voting (7): Memekingpizza, Someone, Anonygoose, Frostwolf103, LittleLee, Kiiruma, Eve

which you have barely given us of. do you have any other of these reads and thoughts outside of bionic? what do you think about my sus on sultan in particular?

@LittleLee in the end the main thing which previous relationship and games are used for is to be able to support meta on players. (X player) has done (Y action) as town more often than as wolf, therefore I’ll give them a pass for now.

It can have some jokey grudges but those are less common

Shall that make brand new players far more threatening?

It makes them a bit harder to read initially, I feel like meta on average assists with reads.
So dealing with a moreso wildcard isn’t exactly helpful.

But I wouldn’t say new players are threatening per se.
Experienced veteran players know how to utilise different abilities which in itself makes veterans more of a threat.

Also it’s… less than 300 posts into the game.
I think your sus on Sultan is fair, personally I’m side-eyeing Sultan and Bystander a bit.
I think that the game will probably pick up a bit more as the first day progresses.

Early D1 is usually quite fluffy / non-committal and has less emphasis on confidence and putting forth hard reads.

In a hypothetical world where I’m a wolf do I want a new player or an experienced veteran to have a stronger power role? The newbie absolutely.

Sure they can still use it well. But on average a player who knows how to use it properly, will use it better.

That’s very fair. The abilities themself are a complete mixed bag walking in and the fear of asking to learn more about them is a straight hinderance on my end. But one day, one day. That will improve.

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Experience is key, yes yes.

Honestly, having to read back on previous engagements makes it all the more troublesome to read others… missing out on the bulks of activity every day is gonna hurt…

At the very least, it puts on full display how others view one another. Who’s ready to jump the gun on who and such. Joke or not. Far more outwardly telling than inward. But that’s just my vague, generalized, uninformed analysis.

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If you ever have general questions that aren’t about your character, feel free to ask them.
I always try to provide clarity on mechanics to help people to learn the game better.

If you have a question about your own character ask the hosts and they may answer it (within reason)

That is much appreciated. Thank you very much. Truly. Asking beforehand was always an option but I always consume better when on the fly.

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Good evening everyone. I am curious as to how users have so many reads already when the game has only just begun, but I am excited to play with you all.