April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I believe Zoltraak is giving out town reads too easily. Whether this makes them mafia I am unsure, but I am curious as I have not seen much from any of the users they quoted that would make me confident they are town.

Oh fuck my second post kms

The real question is why would it be scummy? it was the way it was directed and it was the post after mine stop making stupid arguments that arent relevant. I even said how i made that mistake. Which you postedā€¦ this argument is really flawedā€¦ get better

I agree and the reason they think i am scum might be one of the worst reasons ive ever seen.

Definitely not sitting on a town pile atm.

Maybe youre on to something like oh im goving to many town reads i need to make up a scum read. Seems like it might even be forced

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I also felt like Zoltraaks vote on Wazza did not feel very good as Wazza made quite good points.

interesting that Kii doesnā€™t mention anything specific about what happened this game
like, normally Iā€™d agree with what Kii said, but here it is strange to not mention the whole hydra thing
idk what it means yet though


thereā€™s one view where itā€™s Kii/Bionic paired, and so they didnā€™t go like ā€˜oh thatā€™s a grudge-adjacent voteā€™, because itā€™s actually an agenda vote

that feels super reachy though


tbf thereā€™s also Kii, being a non-hydra, just being less likely to read it as grudge-like since he is not involved/affected

@Kiiruma How closely have you read this game? and what do you think about Bionicā€™s stuff


Contradicting themself a bit here. From where they are now as well.

Blaming poor play as reaction tests?

Calls all of these people town for little to no reason. With bystanders being by far the worst oh you questioned your queen qouting ā€œwhats supā€ after she votes themā€¦

Only towny thing ive actually seen was questioning my vote on wrongboy. But also singling me out, out of the train when my vote was clearly a joke vote. Doesnt question anyone else on the train which is now looking at it seems rather odd.


i dont see it



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why me wy me

i thought that bionics push is similar to the one made on alts in baldurs gate. the same sort of vigor/energy at the start. later on in that game he swapped his push to someone who he had a read other than just tunneling a slot for nai reasons so im still looking for that.

for you i thought your entrance reminded me of the purgatory game where you basically entered the game giving takes scumreadsssss. later u rescinded that read on bionic and i thought it was similar to what you did with me in purgatory.



im more comfortable reading you and bionic so i started off there

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wait you were a wolf in the botfg thing right

I was also looking for that but didnā€™t want to say it


