April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I thought in the moment where I was interacting with bystander she was town, maybe she has other stuff going on so she can’t devote much time to this but still, on the surface… I can’t really defend her that much now

kii-bionic could be the pair?

but as Frost says two bussers feels a bit wild, who is bystander’s partner? Eve? Sultan? both seem marginal

Bystander is the busser, to answer that question.

On littlelee I mean

I’m sure you do think that.

right but who pairs with her is my q? if I was wrong about pizza and it’s him that would be really lame

Kiiruma :angry:

I think Kiiruma is correct to be suspicious about Bystander regarding some stuff going.

Right now, Kiiruma is tunneling on Wazza and she is not the one he should be focusing on.

VOTE: bys

They have also been extremely absent

yap yap yap

you know I’m neut, you said it yourself, get out of your tunnel, only my tunnel is valid homie

Wrongboy dead, teenghirodah mech cleared, leaving up to Bionic, Leafia and Sultan.

All of the three I have my reasons to townread them so this silly RVS is pure

Your tunnel’s on a towny, at least mine’s on a non-town smh.

for a neut lover, you sure do love voting a player you’re confident in being a neut

wild if so I’m going to tell Abbi when the game’s over

Except kiiruma isnt w for saying

Yes Bys is wolf and then go nvm, lets go for inactive wolf, because I like active wolf.

This isnt just mech reason out of thin air.

I’m not confident you’re a neut.
I’m confident you’re not town.

dawg I’m like 2 minutes away from selling out two town members just to confirm I’m neut this is like genuinely embarrassing if Bionic and Kiiruma are town

Occam’s razor isnt applicable for you and wazza, knock it off please.

yeah I know, I’m more willing to vote Bys atm and compromise with your theory, but I’m gonna stick on Kii because part of me has slowly realised I don’t have to care here if Kii is town or not, I’m allowed to be selfish, you know