April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

yes, everyone who visited me would have been redirected to frost and vice versa, as I understand

Then the person who attacked and the person who healed visited the same player, not opposite players

alright, for this night thatā€™s probably it, but was speaking in general

whether they saved Frost or they saved you through the redirect doesnā€™t really matter

yeah mb youā€™re right, logic is hard


Teen claims to have saved someone, no? My heal probably has no significance as to our knowledge itā€™s only 1KPN

but yeah thatā€™s the point I think I was trying to make? But Iā€™d still want to know which way around out of curiosity

I have been told at start of night 2, I agreed with your conditions.

Further than that I have no idea what would have happened, besides either you or me end up dying and weā€™re saved now

thatā€™s fine, just incase you heal someone else later in the game is what I was more concerned about

weā€™ll find out because to my knowledge, Iā€™ll be the only doctor after tonight (assuming they kill Teen which they probably will)

I mean itā€™s not just me who knows about this mechanic to do with Me/Bys so like :man_shrugging:
I ainā€™t making stuff up and you canā€™t argue I am at all

Teenghidorah claimed to have attempting to heal Someone, but got redirected

Wazza healed ???

Sultan claimed to have redirected

Me and Zoltraak swapped places

yeah sultan apparently visited me and would have been redirected to you frost, and well whatever else happened i think he would get a positive result

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he said someone as in some player, not the player named Someone

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Are you opposed with Bystanderā€™s wagon? To me, thats the way to resolve with Kiiruma and Wazza.

Hereā€™s my case against Bystander

personally I think Bys/Kii are W/W

I disliked bystander just leaving a vote and buggering off D2, and now sheeping Bionic after Bionic was on the opposite wagon to her on D1ā€¦ but I like Bionic much less also - feels like there should be a scum on that 3-wagon on wrongboy at the start of the game, which would make the cap fit for Bionic too, so Iā€™m kinda torn

Doubt bystander just shouts ā€˜hey iā€™m sheeping my scummateā€™ SoD 3 so I feel like thatā€™s TvS probably? Ugh

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Two wolfs in D1 top wolf wagon?

Iā€™d say diperse that thought and think this as thunderdome