April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

related to the neighbourhood mechanics and what was/wasn’t said in the neighbourhood today - i think i’d have seen something different if they were both mafia, tried to convince me of something perhaps

bystander town makes me want to reconsider pizza - still think leafia is town so would go to assuming kii/pizza is dirty,

bionic/eve don’t think is possible either, nor bystander/eve

bystander/bionic? maybe weird because bystander openly sheeps bionic but could be reverse psychology so not reading a massive amount into it

Sorry bestie im actually paired with wazza ish

I still wonder why Sultan you chose to use motion detector on me specifically, think bystander or bionic might have been better tests to see if their stated action contradicted your result but no matter

Not going to add more everyone should know what that implies about one of wazza’s claims.

Idk personally I do think bionic’s actions have been very off this game

People really dont want to vote him tho

By unpaired you mean not W/W, right?
Not as in “Not T/T” xD

This is such an uneventful eod. Why?

No clue

Looks like ppl are going bystander

that’s what i’m saying yes

There’s nothing really going on.
We’ve all given our thoughts and feelings and whatnot.

The opposite worries me. I feel there’s a good chance that Bystander and Eve are both villagers by hlw things are goingbthis EoD. They could also be w/w, which would be a lot better for us but 'm not sure what we should do and that scares me.

Quietness doesnt mean that its going to end horribly. I know this by live botc where people lifted of the demon because evil isnt rising up.

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@Zoltraak make sure you check the thing btw

This paranoia is going to the the end of us one day but hopefully its not today yknow.

Yea hearing nothing is scary, but we had nothing for the other 2 as well

I mean I am nervous cuz I think bystander is more likely to be good compared to like bionic

I mean i added something new into the world if you read in between the lines.