April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You’ve not voted on the winning wagon once, plus if you’re wolf, you voting on eve means nothing since there’s almost definitely 1 wolf left

it shows you aren’t town-sided, therefore we should kill you

you’re embarrassing tbh

womp womp

@Frostwolf103 be cool and vote wazza

@TeenGhidorah you too :3

VOTE: Bionic

yeah we can do this today

crazy how you wanna vote the basically confirmed neut and the literal confirmed doctor

can’t wait for your excuse on how I’m a mafia doctor

Sorry bestie i can help control the nuet if they are alive at worst. But i trust them and the more you act like this the more likely they will turn on town.

as much as I want to sit here and pretend I’ll ensure Bionic loses, that only happens if they’re mafia because I’m genuinely unable to go against the town lol

that’s not a good thing

that doesn’t reveal goal and has their own biases

I physically can’t have a wincon that prevents you from winning regardless, so like continue this, it’s hilarious

Why do you want the one of two doctors gone. We clearly had limited supply of them.

Why do you wnat a neutral alive

Like we had teem use ot already why gey rid of the 2nd

@Memekingpizza yeah move to Bionic
@Someone go back to it
@SultanOfSlam I confirm Someone as Town along with Bionic, they’re both in my neighbourhood and I’ve got 0 reason to believe either are mafia

this is completely against Someone’s wishes to out it but I don’t care, just making sure you know why I believe your vote is bad here

Cus i trust them unlike you because i can confirm their actions

Along with Memeking*

sorry, Bionic is in my head here lol

complete lie im in no neighborhood