April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Fails comprehension test.

yeah thank god for that

who would wanna talk to you

the famous comprehension test known as slow internet

Votecount as of post #3444

Wazza (1): Bionic
Someone (1): SultanOfSlam
SultanOfSlam (1): Someone
Bionic (1): Wazza

Not Voting (6): TeenGhidorah, Memekingpizza, Leafia, Magnus, Frostwolf103, Kiiruma

At this point its outed that we are in a neighborhood with a nuet doctor. ??? Role and another ??? Role. As its uniqueness to confirm the actions of said roles

I still don’t trust the neutral to not kingmake at the end

Specially since im town, you know they are against me

Binoic if they kingmake it will be against you.

so we kill them what’s the problem?

Plus the two in the neighborhood were trying to make sure they font rule against town.

They are a doctor and i want them around cus we dont have much protection

Sure its probably limited doctor but its still a docotor that can buy us more rounds.

they can change who they want to help at anytime

I just want to make it clear that my role card physically prevents me from kingmaking and I have stated this numerous times

Not to mention with the amount of confirmed town we have, there’s physically no scenario where we get into a kingmaking situation if we close our PoE of literally 3 people currently

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They are helping me and someone because we have been so much against your agenda. Like we have confirmed the docotor part.

Not to mention, if I wanted to kingmaker, it would be in favour of the two fucking towns I have backing me up at every turn

and how is that?

You don’t need to know. Because some people already know and ir was already dangerous then.

Like the risk was already great at the first turn but im nlt risking that trust throwing them out to the curb when they are helping and pro town

You know what, I’m going to out my wincon and it’s your fault if I’m able to side with Mafia all of a sudden