April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

zolt/sultan not w/w (obvious)
bionic/ghidora not w/w - ghidora was the first hydra bionic chose to push

why is grampa ignoring me vote kirruma with mee

another cute totoro

Ehh i wouldnt call that not w/w could be a early bus. But bionic was having the same fun i was joking aboit Hydras in general.

id disagree since he literally pinged 2 ppl to try to get them to vote with him.

and in the past hes done the same and we’ve actually acted on that so idt w!bionic does this with his partner knowing that it would make his partner actually get voted.

he pinged me to vote wrongboy.

I took it as all joke phase tbh

he @ me and someone who has followed thru in the past xd

but its ok to agree to disagree shrug

can you say how?

what are you saying

ghidora towning me for towning bionic seemed genuine to me, it’s reading someone through that person reading someone

nvm zolt is just town amens

i’m gonna follow you i agree a lot you’re very correct VOTE: Kiiruma

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Precisely, most of the people he townreads is on Wrongboy’s wagon (besides bystander)

The vote against Sultan is also from Wrongboy’s wagon, hence I asked Zoltraak why he is voting Sultan instead of anyone else from the voters?


frost this is just a general question not really related to this game but why was ur tone so diff across 2 consecutive towngames for baldurs gate into purgatory

is ur tone just not consistent anyways

most of the people i townread is on wrongboy’s wagon because most of the people who have talked is on wrongboy’s wagon, full stop

i voted sultan not because of what you’re thinking (whatever it may be), but because of thier conversation with leafia, which i explained is scummy

That may have answered the question itself, its not consistent because I follow my own instinct, I hardly follow others unless its important to solve.

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Can I see the conversation?


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Your town read on bystander is beacuse they came in saying whats sup… and youre like nvm you questioned your queen youre town what even is that.

And you town read someone cuz the town read you? Is why you like ghidora ao confidently as town?

You dont see the problem with either if these

my town lean on bystander is because i couldn’t tell if what she said was towny or scummy, then i settled on the first one after thinking about it more. i liked ghidora not just because they townread me but because of the way did it, which i hope we are reading