April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Not quite.
I mean wolves probably know who the victims are as I doubt Bys just didn’t mention it.

I was suspicious of Bys because in the previous games Zone has had a pure love hood (3 people) and a pure masonry (3 people). We had 4 in our love hood this game and Bys voting me felt like a disconnect from how a towny would think, knowing it’d disable 2 more abilities. It made me believe that Bys was impervious to the downside and it seems that was right.

Now there’s too many hoods and even has neighborizers

Yeah like I didn’t know of the other hoods really when I first had my eye on bys.
But now that I know of there being a lot of hood things, it does reinforce my “Ain’t no shot all this is pure.”

You votes Bionic for this?

This game is a bit much ridiculous. Moving hoods love squares a random new hood that just gets mentioned.

Like wtf is this game lol.

Anyways yeah wazaa is having some inconsistencies even from the words of their own hood.

They said they didnt know that Wazza was neutral but wazza argument they are town is cuz they are neutral and would have killed them n1?!


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Fr :man_facepalming:

You agreeing or did i miss something

I am agreeing with you, although Wazza being inconsequential is what she is right now yes.

That’s Someone’s argument about N1 killing each other

Thats almost bad as bystander / kiiruma at N1

Okay so we are on the same page. With someone

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most of the things I said before my wincon was me lying my ass off to prevent you guys from killing Someone/Meme, I gotta have my own preservation out here you know

Any questions you ask me afterwards I’ll be completely honest about, I got no reason to lie anymore tbh

Not surprising, gg

you and Frost keep arguing that they could just avoid the targets I heal anyway, so why would they have killed me N1 if either of them were evil, so this argument feels slightly pointless.

To clear up any and all inconsistencies, I’ll give you a quick timeline of honesty, anything else I said you can question me on and I might’ve forgotten it or I was lying.

D1 - All in chat, all slightly suspicious of one another, all 3 claim Town.
N1 - Someone is not present, I chose to heal Someone and TeenGhidorah

D2 - I am no longer present, meaning Memeking is alone in the chat, nothing substantial of note apart from I disconnected from the hood with Eve/Magnus
N2 - I accuse both of being evil/neutral, claim that I received information in my neighbourhood about specifically Someone being neutral, Someone (quite obviously) denies the accusation, ultimately I out that I am a neutral. The purpose of the test was just to check a sneaking theory I had that all 3 of us were neutrals and looking out for each other. I was incorrect.

I healed Someone and saved one of my uses of my personal heal. I wanted to heal Teen on this night, but I’m non-consec anyway.

D3 - Nothing truly substantial apart from discussing whether or not to claim the hood, I obviously already claimed by this point as I didn’t care enough, my own life felt more important at the time, it was. Memeking softed and Someone didn’t want to interact with it. Teen claiming they saved “Someone” really confused us because I wasn’t redirected and I’m assuming if they were informed I would’ve been, they cleared it up quickly anyway so it didn’t matter.
N3 - We had to discuss who was the best to heal, stuck between choosing a few options, I took a punt to waste the heal as it was quite obvious Teen would die tonight, so I wasted the healing on Kiiruma as I hold no intention of saving him at any point. The other option was in fact, Zoltraak, but I wanted to hold off on healing them until N4 as I believed Teen would die no matter what, Zoltraak took the hit, which I still see as pointless as all we did was lose a confirmed town for a confirmed town. I healed neither Meme or Someone this night because, once again, it was obvious Teen would be killed.

D4 - I openly claimed my wincondition and my neighbourhood along with everything else, you guys got everything out of me.

any questions about why I believe both are town (without my own personal bias to keep them alive) I would like to hear them, thanks

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also if you’re truly this worried about Someone being mafia and they aren’t killed today, just remove them from my hood by putting them in your hood, they won’t even know who I heal @Magnus

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Like gal, aren’t you glad you are not executed over Bystander previous day?

You should stop protecting these two.

Ultimately the last mafia want your sympathy and we’re not going to back down.

dawg I dunno what you want me to do

I’m quite literally forced into protecting these two

not only is it completely against my wincon to suspect them, town also loses heavily if Someone is town considering I’m suddenly no longer a town-neutral and you mis-exe

you’re better off lowering the actual PoE that has nothing going for them, I think you forget the entire reason Meme and Someone went after Bystander instead of Eve is because we all discussed it last night, we could’ve easily swayed the wagon onto Magnus’ slot instead which was going to be the initial wagon to be completely honest

ftr, bystander/Kiiruma was one of the main points I discussed with them, I was confident they had communication with each other and that their sudden dropping of everything made absolutely no sense to me, I’m glad to have been correct, Kiiruma had came to his senses instead though and I prefer that