April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

This is EoD3

it’s almost like if Memeking and Someone voted Eve here, Eve would’ve been executed instead :pipershock:

At this point it’s no longer possible pertaining to the order of the playerlist, although the invitation is dutifully appreciated.

it was literally Someone who convinced Memeking they should vote Eve, I was asleep at the time lol

In my PoE, that only leaves you. Should I ignore both Someone and memekingpizza.

I have already explained my bits to Magnus earlier today why I am not into Kiiruma, Bionic and Leafia.

clearly you’ve gone wrong in your PoE somewhere

To you yes, not mine

well I tried for you

I can easily heal last second

so when you kill Someone, what next? you kill Memeking? Then when you kill Memeking, what next? You kill the confirmed doctor?

I’m positive you don’t have nearly enough reasons to clear the PoE as I have

also, for the record, Magnus is more in the PoE than Leafia tbh

Oh really now?

that’s genuinely what I read up on in the hood
I don’t care what Someone did publicly, that’s not my problem

Technically not wrong, but Bystander is voting eve

Also you think I’m going to come into Day 3 accusing to kill both Kiiruma or Bystander and not have convinced my literal 2 partners first?

Technically not wrong, but Bystander voted LittleLee

Fun fact, Mafia can vote other Mafia

You are not proving my point wrong with Someone voting Bystander.

Pairs association cant be applied here because wolves has been very uncoordinated

I am willing to trust Kiiruma on his accusations by D3 when he started at D1.

Gonna be completely honest with you, when I’m uncordinated as a wolf, I don’t go around voting my fellow wolves, in fact the complete opposite, I usually vote them when I co-ordinate.

yeah sure, I’ve already removed Kiiruma from PoE lol

If Someone is wolf, why not just

convince me and Memeking to push Eve?

Why go along with what I was saying about bystander and even give me more reasons to suspect bystander? That doesn’t make any sense.

for the record, @Memekingpizza can confirm this

Bystander thought she is in the clear after D1.

Good times has to end eventually.

I’m also no longer in my hood at the moment, so I literally cannot communicate with them as it stands. Everything you’re getting from me is from me.