April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

If Zone gave me a role where I’m actively trying to protect the two people in my hood using a doctor ability while making it PUBLIC TO THE HOOD who I target, then I feel like that’s a design issue at this point completely.

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Yea because you dont listen

No because 6ou haven’t made a case and decide to play nanan I am not guilty.

Will you stop with the back and forth or are we going to do that all day long?

I haven’t heard a case on why any one of the players you refuse to have in your PoE should be out of it, every single other player in the game has this same exact PoE, just with Someone and Memeking in it as well, because they actively know how to engage around a PoE.

I’d understand if you were voting Someone because you believed they were most likely to flip mafia in your PoE, at least then engaging with you would be worthwhile instead of you sitting on your high horse still being like “I’m right lol, don’t care” but you’ve removed 3 players who actively belong in the PoE here.

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Try to convince me, instead of real time replying.

I am not unreasonable

Im driving i dont have access to my pc

Okay later then.

Also dont phone on driving.

Well lets loom at voting

Day 1. Someone doesnt vote

Day 2 on The “winning” train voting out a neutral.

Day 3 votes the already going over train.

The day 3 litterally means nothing

You’re literally at fault for the back and forth ffs

You’ve not given us any substantial things to work with, I’ve given you plenty, fucking bountiful amounts of reasoning to believe Someone is town, you could quite literally harvest for summer with the amount of content I’ve given you to feed on. I could sit here convincing you why your PoE is wrong but you’ve actively proven to me that even attempting to convince you is the most boring, mundane, pointless task as you’ve shown you’re not willing to be reasonable.

I’m still also waiting for you to respond to me on what you do when Someone flips town, you haven’t even thought of the possibility as you’re not willing to waver on your world so everytime I quiz you on it, you pretend you haven’t read the post I sent

Also day 1 refused to vote little lee.

@Someone quick favour, confirm I’m no longer in our hood

doesn’t mean much, I just want this to be clarified

No correct, why should I spoonfeed people with information when they can do that themselves?

I did bring up Bystander did more suspicious things than just being on kiiruma’s wrath on the mech thing.

Stop and go traffic on highway

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One sec let me check

Someone justified their Day 3 vote quite well.

And as I made clear, it was quite literally our discussion on N2 that convinced us that Bystander or Kiiruma should go over on Day 3. This discussion was even after I claimed Neutral so it’s not like Someone had any reason to even bother trying to convince me to vote a mafia, yet they did, for literally no reason. Someone could’ve came into Day 3 with 4 votes for Mafia to vote out Eve, the most obvious candidate to be executed, but they didn’t. They could’ve convinced me on my world about Bystander/Kiiruma that it was just Kiiruma and that Bystander was a bi-product of what Kiiruma was doing, but they didn’t.

Instead Someone actively forwarded me to the idea that Bystander might be more likely wolf than Kiiruma. Instead Someone actively made me know that I could go into Day 3 and claim my theory on the world. Instead Someone actively showed me proof of why both could easily be wolf.

Someone’s not a stupid player, they’ve played multiple times before, even if mafia is un-responsive, I know full well that based on what I went through in the hood chat with them that they would make mafia responsive, that they would make the mafia team cohesive, hell that they would even go out of their way to protect their mafia, especially if it’s just the two of them. Bystander doesn’t go over if Someone is wolf. I’m completely confident on that.

I may be preaching like a god damn politician right now, but until you can prove me wrong on literally anything I’ve just stated, I don’t want to hear any more stupid arguments on why Someone is wolf to me and why those other players shouldn’t be in the PoE.

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Im having issues with the iso fuction.

Looking at the iso however.

Several times why we voting lee, whats rhe argument on lee, lee isnt likely to flip scum.

Why should i vote lee

Should i vote lee or hold

Looks like trying to stay away from that wagon to me

You’ve still ignored my point on what you’ll do when Someone flips town so I’m not even gonna answer any of your questions when I’ve asked you literally one single question and you still haven’t answered it.

So you want us to trust hear say evidence on something extremely easy to fake?