April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Okay off to good start for once, back to square one.

It CANNOT be any of us 3 its not possible

Someone can probably just give you the case they used to convince me and Meme so yeah, they do have one.

Iā€™m not giving it to you because Iā€™m not in the hood, plus I donā€™t care enough even now

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Holy shit, Someone said the same thing I said and got away with it and didnā€™t get shouted at thatā€™s fucking crazy

I dont CARE if itā€™s said on the hood

Holy shit Wazza, just step aside

@Frostwolf103 let me ask you one simple question, what is the 3rd mafiaā€™s ability?

I am not sure what you mean by that, not by the details

Follow it up with a 2nd question: Why is nobody vanilla

Ok so what is the source of

You think thats a mafia ability?

Where did it come from

Well magnus said they didnt do it

So who did

Who did it

Very simple and easy question

So either there is a hidden 3rd neut who fucks with playerlists for some ungodly reason, or the mafia did it

a town couldā€™ve done it

No town has claimed it

Its been days