April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Its not cool

You did say it at loud, so off to the execution block you go.

Because if Wazza had done that in more rational manner and instead of making me feel like shit voting you.

Then congratulations, she makes me angry

No you made her angry because you dont listen

You only listen to yourself

You know that bollocks when she tries to defend you and deflect my accusation

no Someone is telling the truth

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Anyone with a brain can see you aren’t listening

All you and Someone did, is sheeping this day

I hear no case, all I hear i bwaaaaa

Yeah how the hell can anyone make a case when you plug your ears

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literally who on earth are we sheeping

we’re actively pushing the players we narrowed down in the PoE yesterday, the same PoE you constantly shout at me for talking about.

you’re saying sheeping but you don’t even use the word correctly and then you expect me to care

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Oohoo, no.

You are doing this aimlessly, thats what a sheep does

I’m sure Someone is willing to give you a case, actively engaging with you is beyond damaging to my brain

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As long as the playerlist shuffle was done by a mafia, none of us 3 could be the mafia

Its not possible

It has to be Leafia/Bionic/Magnus

Someone hasn’t made the case, YET.

I told him at one point, but like you, all he’s doing is stalling and calling me shit

What the hell else can I fucking say