April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Morning. @Wazza as the most egregious, the heated aspirations against Frost last night wasn’t called for. Strongly disagreeing with a player is one thing, trying to stamp them down so they stop debating with you is another thing altogether.

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Bruh that wasnt even a disagreement that was one side not listening to the other, anyone would be upset by that.

I’m not evil so I’m appreciative of not being hammered while asleep and hopefully not mid-way through the day either, but this wasn’t ever my game so I’m feeling less stubborn to fight against the execution laid out. I’d have to say this regardless of alignment but executing me is generally acceptable for the sake of painting a picture.

This message read extremely pure to me, despite being sent as a countermeasure to being executed. Bionic didn’t want to die and strongly asserted their challenge against Wazza, effectively raising the stakes of their communal back-and-forth rather than wilting under pressure. This is an awesome Bionic if they’re a villager, I’d love to see more of this in the future.

“You’re wrong, dumb and irrational” is not a nice message for anyone to receive in not so few words.

Yea and neither is “I dont care if im right or wrong I want you to die”

Okay, this is a stark departure from Bionic’s wolfgame, unlike Jail. In that game, Bionic tried appealing to everyone in order to appear more good than they were; and while it might have been a consequence of the format, this version of Bionic had been upfront combative in expressing their outlooks regarding Wazza (which is the first noteworthy push from this slot). It’s still a neutral push which Bionic historically loves, but at least at this juncture it wasn’t a “push because neutral”, it was a “push because neutral claim could be a lie”.

Bionic is fine.

Neither of them are great, but only one of those takes it personally.

Both of them are “personal” I dont follow

Disagree, its only natural one would play differently to how they played last

Frost wasn’t abiding Wazza’s arguments because they were claiming a neutral role, and from Frost’s POV that could be a bold-faced lie to protect one of the two people in their neighbourhood that might be evil. Even if neither of you were evil, Wazza is intrinsically biased towards asserting that you aren’t, and Frost didn’t want to deal with the predisposition because it’s impossible to be objective. This inherently relates to Wazza’s personality, but it originates as a consequence from Wazza’s playstyle using this role.

(Or in other words; if Wazza was not a neutral, Frost would not argue against them like so.)

Meanwhile Wazza was challenging Frost’s approach to playing the game overall, in the same way that Frost could play any other game. Nothing stops this from erupting again.

This is true to an extent. People tend to learn from their mistakes, and the more self-aware somebody happens to be, the more likely they’ll alter their style even before making a mistake to avoid being read in that way.

So it’s possible that w!Bionic would assume to have less success repeating the same strategy as last time and went on the offence instead of playing reactively— actually, Frost reminded me earlier that Zolt called that a town tell for Bionic —, but it would be unusual.


Magnus bad :rage:

(Iv read like 3 of their posts but I just still think this slot is a wolf)

The entire push is because Wazza is claiming neut. Have you even been paying any attention at all?

Now I can feel better about doing this: VOTE: Magnus

Refer to the quoted section in my post. Bionic originally disbelieved the neutral claim way back when, I know that’s no longer the case now but I was referring to Bionic’s motivation. If there’s anyone who would pay attention, it’s me.

Ouch. I won’t take it personally.

Then you would see that Bionic doesn’t care if Wazza is telling the truth or not.

I’m going to preface this with a VOTE: Magnus because killing me today should be optimal and I don’t really want to be ignored. I’m just a random substitution so I shouldn’t expect to have the strongest or most accurate impression of what’s happening in this game. Hammer is 6.

My slot is town because both Bystander and Lee attempted to discredit Eve’s slot so early as the first day, and Mafia already had a neighbourhood role so my ability is redundant. Bystander’s role crippled several players so all of them are town; my role does nothing more than move around neighbourhoods.

I don’t think Bionic is evil because they’ve exhibited a characterisation that is atypical of their perceived scumgame in Jail as demonstrated at numerous points, playing proactively and with bubbling motivation that would be more aligned with a villager who possesses conviction rather than somebody who just saw their teammates all die.

Frost / Sultan / Kiiruma are all town-aligned as per Bystander’s ability, without exception. As per Zolt’s legacy, Someone was the most likely evil candidate; and as per Wazza’s testimony, Meme was more likely than Someone to be Mafia due to the insistence that Someone had no reason to bus and that all their votes were collective. I would personally advocate for just waiting until XELO when Wazza wins before killing either of them, because literally everyone else is borderline clear.

Well, yes but no. Bionic wanted Wazza dead because they could be evil lying at worse, previously. Even if Wazza was telling the truth, it was a neutral at best. You’re not disagreeing with me but you’re phrasing it like you are.

Whats that suppsoed to mean?