April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

This sequence supports v!Sultan if Bystander’s rolecard wasn’t reason enough, since Bystander effectively disengaged from the Sultan / Zoltraak debacle whilst Lee wrote it off as W/V in a textbook manner without particularly involving himself with it. Bystander used it as a springboard to explain a townread Zolt and accuse Kiiruma which is just additional spew.

Which part of it?

Why would me unvoting make you feel better about voting?

Actually glad someone else pointed this out. I saw this earlier.

They were at l-2 until you unvoted. I didn’t want to put them at l-1 since that’s risking a hammer. That being said…UNVOTE to prevent hammering.

Ah okay that makes sense

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It caught my eye a while ago when reviewing their ISOs. Textbook reads aren’t always the most reliable but I think they can apply here.

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@Magnus Why are you so willing to put yourself within hammer range with a little over 19 hours left in the dsy? You were just asking for either a wolf to hammer you if you’re town or for someone to accidentally hammer you.

I think Someone is evil and their life is tethered to Wazza’s win condition which can only be completed in XELO, so I think it’s rarely optimal this time given the size of the current POE.

It’s.never optimal to quickhammer.

Anyway, time to call it a night for this game so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

I think Someone is more likely than Meme to be evil because the latter voted Bystander alongside Kiiruma on the first day, pushing an evil to the counterwagon at a time when the votes were split all over the place and voting Kiiruma would have been preferable for the evil team. Certain trigger language like “blindly trusting” also lends credence to this idea.

As opposed to the idea that Someone converged their neighbourhood to eliminate Bystander because by that point Bystander was already in trouble, and voting Eve out to save Bystander’s role for another day doesn’t really help the scumteam at all at that juncture. Someone was also quite combative to the idea of certain players like Bionic getting townread, or to the neighbourhood being suspected as anything but pure to a similar degree as Wazza (whose wincon mandates it).

Okay damn magnus is saying everything i am thinking…

Have a good night, Leafia.

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no quickhammers

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Bionic’s been making it pretty clear they believe I’m neutral, they just don’t like neuts, at first yeah, they might not have believed me, but I don’t think that for a second, I’m pretty confident they’ve made it clear they believe my neut claim throughout multiple times, they just want to sow discontent regarding it. No normal person comments “but what if they’re lying” to literally everything I say.

It’s FoL, of course there’s a chance I could be lying, but I could say that about literally anyone else so the comments from them felt very pointless and counter-intuitive.


VOTE: Someone

Yeah, you put up terrible defense, mech doesn’t matter

also don’t comment to me on stuff like this during a game

you got an issue, report it, I’m not interested in discussing whether or not I got heated in the game publicly and I’m not going to be talked to by other players who are actively in the game about it.

don’t do this again.

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