April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Theory is wrong anyway.

hang on your wincon is really weird

Which one?

I get it’s probably just a failsafe to guarantee there’s no confusion regarding neutrals, but it’s super weird wording.

This is normal, given the neutral wincons can contradict with town’s

Like, mafia wincon doesn’t have this though.

This is also shown on multi-ball games

I appreciate the credit.
Wrongboy and Zoltraak only had one ability each so it was already sunk in that way. We can’t confirm anyone claiming to only have one, but anyone with two provable abilities can be assumed not to have a third one.

theoretically speaking, mafia wincon here insinuates that they win if everyone dies

obviously that’s not how it works, but if you add the specifics onto the town wincon, not having it on the mafia wincon is funky

Zoltraak had a dual ability though, which is why I classified them as having two abilities tbh

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So Wazza and Magnus, do you think Bionic is making alibi with at least attempting to invite 4 players, whom 2 are coincidentally attacked

alright I want hardclaiming


confirm that neither of you 3 did the global playerlist swap for D2.


just asking for quick clarification since I know you said it privately, but just confirm it wasn’t you publicly ig

There’s no direct indication that we can correlate the two, it can easily be a coincidence but we don’t know what was said in the chats that could’ve prompted Bionic to kill either of them.

Teen’s attack was obvious, but you’re the only one to know why Bionic would even try to kill you.

Plus I doubt there’s going to be a restriction on the factional kill where Bionic has to invite them to a chat first.

This might be a holdover from the original April Showers, which had the same wincons due to the presence of a serial killer in that game.
It was right at the bottom of the playerlist so I didn’t see it the last time I checked, but it’s there (and also consequently proves two neutrals would exist). This also acts as a failsafe in case of a vigilante deadlock.

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To my knowledge, you can’t multitask except for presumably the factional kill, so anyone with a confirmed N1 action can be crossed off from this btw

Mafia using factional attack and use their ability at same time, factional attack does not count as ability

So are you saying that Bionic has two attacks? If they do, where have they been? Where is the factional kill going if Bionic can attack separately?

No I am saying he targeted Zoltraak and TeenGhidroh as attacks N2 and N3

Like I said though, there’s no correlation or reasoning on why Bionic should attack into their own neighbourhood.

While having ability to invite players to the chat

Why would you invite TeenGhidorah confirmed IC that can’t be saved, Zoltraak didn’t necessarily need to sacrifice himself but did it anyways