April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You guys have different reasons to suspect Bionic and honestly I was questioning myself why Bionic would do this earlier this day.

So wazza, I am officially out of the tunnel

I was honestly under the complete assumption that the hood was at night and I was confused because I was like “I swear it’s 100% the optimal play to get someone who’s going to die to give their last thoughts to you”

You can ask Sultan and Leafia about Bionic’s hood chat not able used in night, I cant making this up

Okay maybe not Sultan, he is recently added. So Leafia knows.

I know this is like late at night and after this message I’m going to sleep 100% but for your understanding wazza I used my daytime funny to do the thing I said I was going to do to make sure that something is in the chat.

I literally did the same thing so I can’t see that you did that lol thanks

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as I said to someone, think about yourself on whether you should claim or not

up to you, it was more for Someone and it seems mostly fine atm

Someone is the person who is still not on board when I left the chat. Like idc abt it that much in this moment in time it depends on them.


I was just dealing with a cupboard spider. The identification app I had perceived it as a brown recluse for some reason, those are nowhere around here.

Thanks for clearing this up.

You’re welcome.
I killed a player every night.
Those weird playerlist changes idk who that was (/s)

idk buddy, you sort of sucked on N2

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I killed my own hopes and dreams

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Role fishing nope this is stupid cuz then be vanillized

VOTE: wazza

Yeah lets juat kill the neautral who isnt town sideing like they day they are.

I was fine with wazza but rhem wanting everyone to Hard claim isnt pro town

Okay i actually missed alot when i was sleeping. But waking up. Seeing that the neutral wants hard claims

Yeah just kill it

You wont suspect Bionic?

Yeah i didnt do any swapps

Oh bionic in the chat that you discussed doesnt make any sense i do agree with that.

Idk if its contradiction or they are just dumb or they are lying. But it doesnt lookvgood and makes 0 sense