April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

also for future reference, if a role is gonna be included that wins on healing people, please make the factional kill mandatory


Since I executed Bystander D3, I cant even use it when Bionic drops dead

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So…I got nothing!

Meh im rusty as hell. But Frost played very well

honestly this game is probably pretty good learning for me, having that comfortability of being able to help town without worrying internally about my own role and being able to believe in my reads was actually sort of freeing, even if I was just piling bullshit on bullshit

May have lost, but game was fun, ggs :wave:


concession wouldn’t be allowed - at least as long as the neutral killer is alive
if we did accept a concession (after Hippo’s death), Wazza would get a no-contest



quick @Magnus concede


I was hammered in my sleep hours before the deadline when people didn’t even completely think I was the most likely to be evil! I tried my best to turn it around in the short-term, but town’s win was entirely deserved from the first three days. Good game.


to be honest with you, your slot gets executed D4 if you didn’t come in and save it lol


so all things considered, you did pretty well given the hand you were dealt

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if the mafia NK was mandatory then probably best to not allow concession coz wazza still has a chance to win. but with optional NK that makes sense

I really, really love how Derps understood how my setups work. :blobby:


with the NK alive, it makes sense why conceding is not allowed, but if the mafia were to concede but not be allowed to as to allow myself a chance to win they can ultimately just no-kill every night and I can’t win anyway

it’s why I made my comment about how realistically the factional kill should’ve been mandatory lol


He understood me so well, that I had to praise him thrice in (Informed) Spec Chat.

I wanted to make the same argument but I was stuck praising your design philosophy the entire time so it felt like I’d be contradicting myself LMAO

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The self-vote was intentional, yeah. I specifically called out in scumchat that Leafia would rescind her vote, and if I wrote an explanation in the same post it’d be compelling enough for people to shift focus. I was intending to kill into the Love Square, probably Sultan, because the trio’s claimed abilities were so harmless that I didn’t care if they were reactivated and killing into your neighbourhood didn’t seem fun for you.

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To be completely honest, your best kill option would’ve literally been on me ironically enough, I get why you wouldn’t, but every other hit here worsens your win potential massively.

Also I wouldn’t have protected Sultan at all, my only option was on Frost and I was gonna pretend I was protecting myself in my doc-hood.


fyi btw, @Memekingpizza @Someone I realised that I could literally just privately submit the doc action so we healed Kiiruma on N4 not myself lol