April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I don’t know, I’m trying to get them

Im in pst that was in the middle of the night for me.

That’s ok, do you normally play in a Hydra? If you have any thoughts on other alignments please share!

Plus this was my first chance to get back on so how would i know delvopments besides needing time to bavk read.

I see, so it’s what 10:45 in the morning for you rn?

I have no opinions on the hydra this is my first game with them. And this is my 3rd game in general

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For the record MemeKingPizzas response was too long to be typed in the minute between our posts so I think it really is a coincedence they responded after my vote instantly :sweat_smile:

Yes and with a previous comment of mine im also in schools.

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@Leafia vote wrongboy they are voting you

@Someone vote wrongboy why are you inactive :sob:

@Kiiruma vote wrongboy if you value your life

Yes I agree this is clear.

Zolt you are reading so bad but i think its the self defense kicking in.

Hm? Did you think I was pushing for your vote just now?

You were pressing my comments and saying oh why werent you on without asking me anything else thats ot.

Like huh weird they werent on when its 12 am in the morning for them

@wrongboy you should vote wrongboy, they are trying to impoersonate you

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Pizza’s 3rd game is good to know. I thought i didnt loke pizza but knowing that its pizzas 3rd game i do feel a bit better. Also like the questions they seem genuine.

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1 - No I won’t vote just because I have quite a few votes on me
2 - Honestly me flipping means I’m vindicated and people might actually go after who I want them to.

Ok, given MemeKingPizzas response that this is their third game I like my vote on them less and want to give them time to settle in. I will pressure Zoltraak with you and I am curious as to what their response will be.

VOTE: Zoltraak

Alright, but you had a gap of about 18 hours, you can’t have been asleep for all of them! Unless you are a cat perhaps?

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@Frostwolf103 you should also vote wrongboy if you’re cool