April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

why say this for them but not for me

both of us showed up when we got voted lol

Whoā€™s your top scumread and whatā€™s your case on them, in as much detail as you can provide in the time you have (it is okay if this is not much)


true ngl

Iā€™m trying to get ready for work man, Iā€™ve already made it clear Iā€™m not gonna be able to play this game much

After D1, Iā€™ve got like 2 weeks off work so Iā€™ll actually be ready to play this game :joy:

Also its getting closer to EOD ofc people are going to funnel in.

Different context, plus youā€™re you


if wazza gets another vote ill vote them ig

funnel in better next time


So much summoning 1st Wazza now pizza!

Randomly return when voted!

Top scumread is Kiiruma, but not for many good reasons, I disliked their active engagement regarding slots that I felt like didnā€™t need to be placed, furthermore when I pressured them for their weird interaction with bystander, they mentioned they have mech reasons on them

Now further throughout the day theyā€™ve ran with that, not the prior reasons, but with the mech reasons, I donā€™t like it

Wait what? Also, Kiiruma very likely a neut executioner type role that just needs Bystander dead to win. No way does he want to thunderdome someone D1 as a villager like this. Iā€™m not buying this mech evidence claim of his either.

Derps is literally always like that.

Blatently untrue.

Not necessarily. You better hope Teen flips wolf too.

Shooting a hydra kills the hydra, not just one hesd.

They only need to guess one aspect of it. Not your entire role.

We already went over this about timming. Until you have something more concrete than timmimg becasue i already did the same thing with anongoose.

Nah Iā€™m voting you because youā€™ve given almost no actual thoughts this game, and the 1-2 you did give was pushing the blame onto kii anyways

I said i trusted kirr?

Bad meta but leafia took this seriously. Probably makes them town.


yes, pushing the blame onto kii instead of you when your vote flips T

Okay you pass the test. I nullread you


If you want to convince me otherwise give me some unique thoughts on the game


So when i flip t we vote you based on rhe worst logic imaginable. I have said this before timming doesnt matter because peopel come and go online. So you doing that against me when you are trying to vote me plus trying to push on me for coming online at a random moment. Not a good argument.

I would say sure if I wasnā€™t mod confirmable