April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I have gave you a singular thought in my repository and called me sus about it. I have said it before in this thread possibly that it makes me a worse kill/threat if im on the board. Like if you want another read i think someone is town. They havent changed from what i can see from the last game i played with them and their actions seem consistent

Guys somebody wrote a bunch of words about a subject they care about I bet they’re breaking the forum rules and posting chatgpt


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Lee is like the worst possible exe today 0 info and a town flip


wait is using chatgpt for a shitpost breaking rules

im the bst playerin the ever

why are people acting like they know Lee is a townflip idgi

Cuz nobody is defending Lee

what have they posted that’s towny, show me

idk tmi

its to easy


Maybe we do go back to Zoltraak everything they say is sus.


In a mafia game you’re not allowed to use AI at all, outside mafia games it’s fine but in a mafia game everything you say is technically part of the game and so shitposting using ChatGPT is still having ChatGPT write mafiagame posts for you




Wait since when?

I want to see that you’re thinking about the game from a town perspective and its impossible for me to do that if you’re going to continue to give me nothing

and your insistence on giving me nothing even when further pressed only cements my feelings

I don’t care how good they are, I just want to know how you’re thinking about and approaching the game

you are defending Lee right now! so is Ghidorah! so is Sultan by saying they are a bad flip!

When I first started out playing mafia, I was not particularly good at D1 reads! I didn’t know how to do them! But I knew that looking like I had D1 reads would help push the game forward into something real, because a wolf who sees me chasing their partner will react strange, and a wolf who sees me passionately chasing town will react strange. So I’d just flip coins or roll dice to decide who to push and then retroactively make up some bullshit on why I thought they were wolfy, and I’d do this until later in the day when I had enough material to form real reads, and this genuinely worked very well for me.

I dropped that habit once I got good enough to have D1 reads that were better than rand, but it served me very well!


Anyway guys I g2g eat some chocolate, keep clucking and good luck for EoD, I have 0 confidence we will hang a mafia.