April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Okay fine @Bionic look at how zolt is acting tell me how its towny

@wrongboy why wr on Lee?

@Frostwolf103 we were in the same page why you setting bro?

@Anonygoose i know tou agree when youre ready come back to my train

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You’re on Zolt. One of my most confidant townreads. He probably wouldn’t flip w.

I also townread the little content they do have

May voted a player outside of their townreads
and I’m still reading up


Life is about being excessively overonfident about everything


Now we’re cooking

Zolt is a textbook villager I think.


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Come on Sultan fight harder, make the case. Why shouldn’t people vote Kii? If I’m scum what does that make Goose now?

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I dont that vote on kirr but i can see why they make the swap.

In addition to not townreading Lee I also found this like miiiiilfly weird

Saying very little in a lot of words, but then not hedging on there being a wolf in the argument - this feels fake to me, could be kinda lost town trying to fake it until they make it, but fake nonetheless



2nd time cracking under pressure id highly disagree

tiebreak moment

what are rhe cases

case on Lee is lowposter go brr

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VOTE: Zoltraak


VOTE: Zoltraak

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He isn’t cracking under pressure and look how he was early game. A wolf just doesn’t go around townreading that many people that early.

You know that isn’t what my case is though