April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!


push someone else then you dont need your vote to keep it over rn


I’m getting the feeling scum might be setting up to get mislynches in this wagon, just on atmosphere

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Should I vote lee or hold

felt real to me

littlelee is spewed mafia

I dont want to hammer

Vote Zoltraak

you didn’t want my Goose vote and the only other viable option I have right now is Kii, who I am slightly hesitant on, even if I liked the players on his wagon

Zoltraak powerwolf go brr

We are rebelling agaist mafia overlords

??? huh???

Im to indecisive fuck

wongboy why are you voting LittleLee? Zoltraak is clearly better vote.

Is anybody here in a neighbourhood

Do you distrust Leafia then? I wasn’t joking when I said I would self-resolve after today

With Leafia or otherwise


the last 2 votes feel like busses icl

the jumping on the wagon when lee is like basically decided vote

…is Zolt claiming selfresolving??
