April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

The thing from LittleLee’s role? No

Yeah now you mention it

Okay this is hilarious

What will you do in this situation?

I think I’ve found a mafia but its annoying that they are mafia and I feel bad so I will sit on this thought for a bit and let them cook.

Why would you let Mafia cook?

I kind of agree with goose thst their is probably at least 1.

I think their is atleast one on both top wagons. I suppsoe they could have swapped and saved lee but theybwere probably stuck and would have looked way worse for a late switch.

Stop beating around the bush.

I agree i dont think both wagons are pure.

Outta wagon 1 on lee im thinking it be bystander
(Very small chance but still possible if it was scum scum zolt beacuse the wanting to switch to Kii near end of day but had to go back to lee to save herself)

On zolt i had you town read yesterday,

Eve it Teen leaning eve.

Bionic only voted their cuz i asked and i think trusted me and i think bionics playing the way they did the time i played with them and they were town

Bystander is on Kiiruma’s wagon and switched to LittleLee, how exactly does that spell MAFIA to you?

Likewise, Bionic and Leafia were on Kii before as well, Wazza left the vote there iirc

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Saw the sinking train and switch kii wasnt going to go over it lost all steam by the time Bystander switched.


Yes, unfortunately I am also leaning Eve which is a shame because I do not want indulge Bionic and I feel bad they were tunnelled from start. But Eves vote felt misplaced and when I ISO’d them they felt unimpressive.

Frostwolf103 who do you think it is?

Wazza < Bystander < Bionic < Leafia

Bad to good from Kiiruma’s wagon.

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I’d say I want to start pressure on Wazza

However, Wazza is not the only player I want. Eve hydra is on the list.

Okay so eve does look like crap. They basically are the main one i think who was trying to save lee other than myself for being stubborn going after inactive being boring.

Eve doesnt mentioned town reading teen who they said they were sheeping! Nor did they say they thought that Zolt was more scum than Lee. I think they also mentioned thinking voting out lee wasn’t horrible but didnt throw their hat in the ring i want to varify for sure but i dont like what im reading!

Also the switch eve had from voting kii to voting Bystander at Kiis request looks really weird.