Hello everyone
Does this site’s definition of Non-bastard include falsely revealed information? If it does we can essientally ignore smiley. If it’s not controlled by any players I see no motivation one way or the other to allow it to win. If we happen to sweep the mafia team fast enough then horary, we did what we aimed to anyways.
I find it interesting, and a little wolfy, that Marluna would first point out that the neutral has town sided abilities as a reason not to kill it, rather than the more obvious (atleast to myself) reason that its simply a wasted kill. Even if it had no abilities I would not want to kill it instead of a potiental suspect.
This makes sense to me.
I’m willing to skip evaluating Leafia until this occurs. I don’t think villagers will get much benefit from any form of disscussing this, letting Leafia pick on their own gives us the most insight into their alignment.
I appriciate Willow effectively skipping RVS here, Jarek aswell gave town something to talk about and got the game going, and I think it is slightly town aligning for the both of them.
Did chomps intend a naked vote to be pressure? Pressure doesn’t just come from votes existing in space all alone, they need something more to go with it.
they quickly move it but it seems odd to call it pressure still.
I notice that almost everything Rhea points out, they call “villagery” with the small exception of the first 2 posts and some neutral thoughts on Marluna. I found it difficult to get much of anything from these early posts, especially anything that would direct me to vote in a paticular direction, so its reassuring to see someone else on the same page.
Also I’m stealing this idea