April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Aren’t your infection staying stubbornly in play?

So Isn’t your wincon automaticly fullfilled by this point? Why did you still want to hide after your win is technically confirmed, especially if you can win after death?

The only way you can lose at this point (if we believe both carbonated and you are telling the truth), if
-Leafia wasn’t roleblocked, or the roleblocker was Jarek/pandora
-both remaining mafia is killed, and they would just roleblock you (instead of any town member who is threatening them) and don’t kill anyone for being petty. (which is just against their wincon afaik.)

Is there any player who claims to have received the private vote from Smiley? Even if we do not prove it, the claim gives us a one-for-one at worst.

I’d love chomps to be alive to disprove that. I’ve actively been advocating to keep them around long enough to check me and everyone else. Unless you think I’m some sort of poisoner ability that would force false information to be given out somehow and I don’t even know where to begin with something like that…

Killing chomps isn’t a good idea today. If they fail to check me, marluna or a combination of both tommorow I’m calling bullshit on their ability and getting rid of them.

since you so insist & I trust in everyone enough and probably win anyways and somebody’s bound to figure it out

if one infected player kills another the number of living infected players goes down
this becomes weird for mafia to do because it will be evident that i haven’t won. With town it becomes a battle of who can be the last player to vote if somebody’s being annoying (also includes self-votes

oh… I missed THAT possibibility…

Pandora checked my claim apparently and said they saw the exact ability I claimed, so they seem to be some sort of lie detector or something. Either way, I don’t have the ability to roleblock or visit at night as I continue to repeat


also before anybody asks i had like no logic on picking people besides that I thought pandora would have 3 targets each night

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to be for I don’t think i evwn get more value by more checks so im open to being toasted

Additionally I was infected last night, however that happened, it did - I would think this would further spread the infection if I ever did decide to visit. another grand reason why I don’t visit.

Wait. Isn’t smiley automatically the last voter still today?
Can you infect smiley, if we decide to execute one of your infected target?

For me, there’s two worlds. Wolves are in the hoods, and chomps is real. Them being in the hoods is an alibi of sorts instead of this ability just being a 3-man cop every night.

The other is this ability is fake and is a wolf ability, which with the amount of hoods is equally possible. It wouldn’t be very hard to misclear your teammates by saying they’re not in the mafia chat after all.

I’d like it to be real. That way I don’t have to argue for why a wolf should live so I can get cleared with their ability claim - but sometimes I just have to suck it up and deal with the fact things aren’t gonna go my way.

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Nevermind… Smiley dies today anyway, so it still doesn’t help soweli to win, even if he could infect smiley…

i totally knew that also my role makes more sense now

VOTE: Chomps


to be fair, I never claimed in the main thread, but that’s my ability. (I told them Rhea during D2, while she was in the Lover’s neighborhood)

Apologies, I did not realize that you had not yet claimed your specific ability in the main thread. I had already claimed that my presence in the neighborhood was temporary and that I became a Neutral Lover for the cycle, so it was essentially out there already.

Did you neighborize somebody last night?

I couldn’t.
While Willow was alive, none of my submissions would have even been registered.
We figured this out during N2, while you still were there. (You probably missed that conversation, I guess.)

If chomps live don’t you dare touch me



is jarek conf