April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

unless jarek is ccd by someone his role is tied with mine

i forgot i conf jarekā€™s role they do in fact use dead bodies to send messages and it makes them gray on the player list

looks like infection fucks with it

Unless you are suggesting that Rhea and Heiter made missing a nightkill, so Rhea can accuse Heiter for the missing kill and lose a potential killpower via execution, I really doubt Rhea is mafia.

Also, you are doing the same thing you accused me during wrogn. (Arbitrary expanding the PoE.)

Yeah seems like the neutral here is placed here partially to mess with the otherwise relatively powerful messanger ability. Probably a sort of monkeys paw or balancing act that I get this ability - but if things had gone south and infected started dying iā€™d get nothing

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Granted, I am also messing with the golems and giving them relatively powerful abilities albiet I donā€™t know that at the start of the game, and may never know that if they never spoke up.

The only part I actually have agency in is the messages

correction: you are not giving me powerful abilities

i have built in small tiny abilities that change on your whim

depending on what model you set me as thats what it is

i did start the game as a certain model without you being there

Still affects you more than it affects me kinda thing, Iā€™m encouraged to interact with it, likely to get me to change your abilities without me knowing or having any input, but yeah


i canā€™t wait to see your role after one of us dies

Itā€™s a weird one I think

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D4 Votecount

Chomps (2): Leafia, soweli

Not Voting (8): Chomps, Jarek, Rhea, pandora, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, SMILEY

why do we need to have 3 neutrals?
If you are correct, wouldnā€™t carbonated claim would be true, if smiley was counted as a non-town?
2 mafia + 2 neut (including smiley) and 6 town.

I have to ask something.
Why are we deciding to execute Chomps when Chomps is being forced to eliminate worlds?

People are afraid he is lieing about his role, I guess.

Thatā€™s fair, Iā€™ve been sceptical of it myself because itā€™s so strong.
I know my role in comparison has felt pretty weak.

But Iā€™ve enjoyed that Chomps has had to commit to clearing people and framing others

Reading back, this comment pinged me the wrong way. Especially since Leafia now voting Chomps.

So, are you now confirmed by Chomps, or Chomps is lieing? I doubt the both can happen simoultaniously.

All game, Leafiaā€™s only reason to townread her was that she is town, because she isnā€™t in her wolf metaā€¦ (meta is so fake-able, especially when you know about yourself, that you are notoriously a hard-busser.)

Anytime anyone voted her, she was saying they are voting a towny, but without literally anything backing it up.

Yeah, she has a confirmable role. So do I, Jarek, Chomps and even soweli. (who claims neutral)
But none of us, expect her, was claiming we are town, because we have a confirmable ability. (I pretty much didnā€™t say that ever this gameā€¦)

Also she was suspecting Rhea, which is just a big question markā€¦

Oh yeah didnā€™t the neutral say they had to vote mafia for their goal why are they voting me if the push is to confirm my info?


VOTE: Soweli