April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY


Let’s just kill the neutral claim before they kingmake us out

I’m pretty sure soweli implied, that he will leave town, once his wincon is statisfied. (Or at least it would be pretty obvious, when it happens.)

a neutral claim lied about goal past april showers, it could be a lie, soweli could just be mafia, we can hit a townie lynch (which is what we’ll do with 2 votes on me)

why are we helping the neutral

Btw, did anyone claim giving Rhea the roleblock item D1?

Even after everyone’s ability claim I can’t figure out why anyone would do that and not claiming yet at this point. Without that item, the whole D2 fiasco wouldn’t have happened.

Before anyone is saying it could have been a mafia ability: if mafia would have known, that a non-mafia player had a rb-item, wouldn’t 5hey have use someone else with better gamestate for the nightkill?

the neutral isn’t helping us, they’re voting me

@Leafia @Jarek @Rhea @pandora @Kiiruma @Marluna @carbonated

The neutral is voting me and being anti-town, it indicates a lot what they’ll do once they can reach the kingmake phase, and that’s on the best case scenario it isn’t just mafia, so vote the neutral with me and at least push a non-town majority back by 1 day!

That mystery need not be solved at the moment.

As for voting the neutral: if soweli leaves the game upon a win and will win soon, then we only have one misexecution left anyway, as we are on odds after Smiley dies. If soweli leaves the game, we will need to sleep anyway. I do not see the mechanical harm in voting out soweli at the moment. Correct me if I am wrong.

It’s an if. (it was implied, but I don’t remember soweli ever stated it this way.)

And even if it’s true, I think it is still better to keep him around, and based on when he leaves (if he leaves) we can attempt to solve what happened during N3.
if he leaves at EoD, we know that mafia (beside than Jarek/pandora) roleblocked Leafia, and if he leaves at SoD, we can say, that one of the three was lying. (In case the wincon triggers automatically, when it is fulfilled)

Right, for this to work, we need to execute someone not infected today. Otherwhise smiley takes away soweli’s win.

and if he doesn’t leave, we can still execute him afterwards, since him not leaving would give us back the misexecution he would take away from us with leaving.

what if the infection stuff is bad?

In that case soweli probably wouldn’t have claimed, when he found the discrepency from his role and the claims.

I do leave upon winning, again didn’t disclose because with numbers it’s better for town to try to keep me in the game which would be bad @Mafia this also means it’s in your best interest to let me leave win

To my knowledge it’s bad; also not my problem
btw my strategy is ~just voting whoever is not infected with the most votes

Also like. meow. I haven’t worked out the details but I don’t think I had reason to claim if I was hostile like I’m not in danger of dying and probably could have just towned up if I felt i needed to get a mafia out (puts me at small risk of nk but I could probably mitigate that somehow)

But yeah unless somebody’s stupid I win game & leave by SoD tomrorow

It’s bad for wagonomics if you vote me out (& is admittedly bad for my wincon) but like.

It would be quite odd to have a player in the game who has already won influencing the state of the game. I have never seen a neutral which stays in the game after winning.

My concern is that executing right now does not feel especially informed. I do not feel like I have a good handle on who the wolves are at the moment. However, it is likely that will never happen.

The only player that Chomps has not checked who is not confirmed to be in a neighborhood is Jarek. I can see Jarek as a wolf here, but it is questionable how much utility checking him will give us. It may be worth executing Chomps over. It may not. I would have to think about it.

Chomps is being silly for the “why is soweli voting me if townsiding?” tbqh but it does work

@Jarek, does your role card mention the existence of the Golems by name, or did you not know of that neighborhood until they claimed?

also like
there’s still worlds where nks are blocked and such hence it’s not no mechanical difference.