April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

unless this post was saying that you wanted Marluna to point something other than the read I had just made out.

Ah nevermind, for some reason I thought you were responding to my post, not Marluna.


90% sure he wanted Marluna to point out that those 3 posts were made after the vote

D1 Votecount

Canping (3): soweli, Chomps, Leafia
Kiiruma (2): Jarek, Starboy
Chomps (1): ElizaThePsycho
Marluna (1): pandora
Heiter (1): Rhea

Not Voting (8): Marluna, Canping, Frostwolf103, Kiiruma, childe, Creature, Heiter, SMILEY

Damn why it bothers you so much? Thought it was explained.

I was testing for an internship and I wasn’t allowed to use my mobile or anything where I could play mafia.


oh sorry, I got confused because the post was a reply to my message, so I thought they were refering to “it” as being my message.

I don’t think its inheriently wrong to think someone is evil as a bit of a stretch, I just worry that if we start then applying potiental agendas to their posts, we risk taking the game very off rails.

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I would even argue that early on we have to stretch to find wolves. We simply do not have enough to work with to be certain.

You were one of the people I had an actual reason to read, so just boiling down your slot to “vibes” felt like off, like there should be more reasons to have a read.

im not gonna push the hydra since that’s annoying to people, but i can make it a wagon!
VOTE: Heifer



time to retreat to my pm to make a readlist

I think that asking to call out people who hav grabbed your attention is very interesting

for the record my top three of those is jarek sowali and chomps prolly

i think you are on a whole different thing, i wanted them to point out the three post before jarek sends their vote. nothing else. I don’t really understand what you mean by reading someone off of myself

has kiiruma done anything today?

VOTE: Heiter correct spelling

rich question to ask bc i have Not. so

chomps do you have any nonhydra related thoughts?

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willow and starboy wolf lean

jarek and rhea town lean

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