April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Canā€™t say I remember how to play mafia. Iā€™m going to search for people who fear god as they are most often scum

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I donā€™t really want to go into theological debates, (since deep believers are a crazy bunch,) but why would people fear something which canā€™t influence them?

to further clarify, Not Fearing God is generally towny. Fearing God is a result of the threat scum constantly feel towards them. Of course alot of town fears god as well town doesnt enjoy dying but they fear it Less

not godfearing. Is jarek but still +1

this entire area is them shifting attention towards lowposters, potentially godfearing, -1

Very comfortably made wallpost - every thought seems to be believed in, not much fat. At least from my experience players who make walls as scum generally do it for one of two reasons - appearing as if theyre contributing, in which case theres alot of fat/fluff, or to try and shift the thread towards a certain point of view in which case there will be significant focus on building a reality where a player/group of players are all scum. This post does neither of those. I agree with alot of the thoughts present, at least the ones Iā€™ve uh. Seen the players to process. I disagree on some of the soweli posts though - to me they seem more like trying to take control of the game flow early for personal use rather than as a team exercise. Good post. +2

Fascinated by the soweli-starboy interactions. Maybe I just have a different internal view of soweli which colors my thoughts a certain way but it does rub me the wrong way. -1

Uh. sorry bout that. Iā€™ve mostly shown up as to express that Iā€™ve been working hard because I havent had time to show up and sink the time in to do a read up like this. Donā€™t blame you whatsoever though. Will say that the reason I hydra is because of my issues with activity although thats usually an issue of chronic illness rather than actually having stuff to do. Iā€™m no longer taking care of the house on my own and my college work has been submitted so hopefully Iā€™ll be around now :)

ā€œFearing godā€ is my catch all term for fearing the consequences of an intangible force. In this case that is The Town. They may try to control it, hide from it etc etc I just find it easier to express why a certain way of thinking is scummy through the eyes of a ā€œsinnerā€, so to speak

Itā€™s also very applicable specifically in this game as Iā€™m playing as Heiter

although in that case it should really be fearing the goddess

why did this make you put jarek into null again?

gazing upon the posts now, am i the only one who thinks starboy and leafia could be aligned?

i dont like leafiaā€™s read list either

this feels like town kiiruma tbh

That just means you canā€™t read me and your wolf tell book is very outdated.

I mean theyā€™re my 2 top wolves so please do elaborate.
I like this a lot since I donā€™t like the interactions between the slots myself either.

It isnā€™t.

I can see Leafia flipping red, but you need to give more convincing towards me why you think Starboy is mafia. (and why specifically with Leafia.)

Hmm I think soweli here looks better than the Wrogn game.

I really think itā€™s really just Starboyā€™s different mindset (aka not really mechanical), which makes those interaction a bit iffy.

This is mostly about leafia but anyway:

both were joining the top wagons without actually generating content, first jarek, now kiiruma.

one of the starboys content about me was simply a misunderstanding so there is nothing in that
and i feel like they are trying too hard to scumread on people.

one of the reasons i think they are aligned is because leafia is putting starboy on the leantown, without actually commenting about them. Leafia has literally 2 posts that mentions starboy and thatā€™s it

this is too funny

and why?

its going to be about me again but they have been reading my posts and giving them slim townleads and yet i am on scumlean???

It feels like leafia either doesnā€™t speak their mind and change opinions too fast or they are ignoring what some people had said. They also seem to be hopping onto the kiiruma wagon and now trying to make it look in a sensical way.

i honestly donā€™t like kiiruma wagon now, its created mostly on meta and low posting now i think we should give up on that

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possible but i dont like their posts as of now

or it simply looks like they are paired, if that is the case.

Jarek - town
Marluna - town

Frost - lean town
Rhea - lean town
Chomps -null town
soweli - null town
kiiruma - null town (i liked their recent posts, otherwise true null)

childe - say more
pandora - null
creature - say more
willow - say more null
Heiter - null
starboy - null wolf

leafia - wolf