April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

I simply don’t think your posts contain much of anything. For the readlist I went through the player list, and for anyone who had made posts that stood out enough for me to remember, I wrote what I’d felt. For everyone else (you fell into this list) I went and ISO’d you, and in your case none of your posts stood out enough to put you one way or the other

My vote is quite literally on Kiiruma, what are you talking about?

And that is the problem

Surely you aren’t suggesting that its wolfy to be voting you?

Of course I am not. I am merely stating that the problem according to Frost is that you do have your vote on me despite it being a disconnect from your original reasoning for being on the wagon.

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I don’t understand what you, or they are saying.

Just because they quoted someone else disagreeing doesn’t mean I ever changed my mind

why did you vote kiiruma? can you elaborate on that again?

I mean I’ll say that it’s fun that you and Leafia seem to be having a good time hopping from weak thing to weak thing and trying to find a thing to claw onto in the end. So far the most successful one is my wagon, I’d just be careful though, being too partnered is as equally suspicious as being too distanced.

Kiiruma spent many of their early posts repeating that they didn’t want to talk about mech, and that we should stop talking about it, but then half of their posts were about mech, or about their earlier posts

Huh I wonder what my title is.

And yet you kept saying you didn’t want to talk about mechanics.

i am confused because not wanting to talk about mech is worth a vote now? I am going to ISO kii again to find that supports your argument

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I just quoted 2 posts where they kept saying they didn’t want to focus on mech. I’m not going to blame anyone for not talking about mech, I don’t paticularly excel in Mech myself so I rarely focus on it, but actively doing the thing you’re saying not to is certainly odd.

i have no idea what you are talking about, they are not even doing mech in those posts

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Hi there, it’s nice to meet you.

I mean we’ve not played before but I’m happy to reveal a very riveting thing. I am ‘certainly odd’ as a person :3

is this not mech disscussion?

they in fact posted 2 wallposts about their social reads

those were after my vote

I can’t vote based on what someone will do in the future