April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

What are the differences?

Their teammates are removed from the list

Super secret pm version
Player Read Notes
Chomps +++ It’s me!
Willow ×
Jarek +
Rhea +
Starboy ×
SMILEY +++ this surely has a catch but meh :p

+ Town lean / ++ Towny / +++ Town lock
× Wolf lean / ×× Wolfy / ××× Wolf lock

easy copy storage


There’s more than three names there and villagers don’t know who their teamates are. j/k


Kudos for you.

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Thank you, Chomps. Do you have any especially strong feelings on Willow you could give? I found her earlier posting villagery, but I don’t have strong grounding for that instinct.

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Chomps could also arguably be nulltown now, but I thought the way they were posting was more helpful to town, almost all of their posts were ethier a literal vote or actively pushing at someone, and I didn’t paticularly feel an agenda.

They were mostly null, but I remembered finding their wall post fairly teethless, and they hadn’t done much else to justify TRing them. Skimming their recent posting I dont see any reason to TR them

Marluna responding well to the accusations agains them w/ regards to Jarek. I brought up that they had towny-entitlement and I still stand by it.

by thread conecnous i basically just meant I was sheeping other people who were voting the hydra, I found very little to read an alignment off of from them

Willow i just agreed with someone’s feeling that her vote on me felt opportunistic, they didn’t place an opinion on it, didn’t tell me to not do it, didn’t tell people this is what i usually do, just very light commentary and a vote

I don’t paticularly want to execute ethier of the secondary wagons (other than Kiiruma obviously) but I will switch soon for self preservation if needed

Would you be interested in a pandora vote?

I would be more interested in Pandora than ethier of them yeah

She specifically didn’t defend the hydra too, she gets to attack me for free and not defend a potential townie if i flipped town once i die

Pandora falls more into “Has not been towny” rather than “has been wolfy”

Why pandora over Kiiruma?

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What do you mean?

Further evidence towards Starboy/Kiiruma being t/t or w/w.

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I misunderstood, apologies. You’d prefer Kiiruma over pandora, then?

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I would prefer Kiiruma, even if the original reason I was voting there does admittedly feel more flimsy than when I first went there, I still don’t like the way they’ve been defending themselves. It feels very OMGUS-y and doesn’t read like a town to me, but I’d be willing to switch to Pandora if town is not willing to execute Kiiruma, and it doesn’t feel like there’s momentum there

of the wagons Kiiruma > Pandora > canping >> Leafia atm for me

why would w starboy would try to advance the w kiiruma wagon this early over a weak reason? and why do you think they are aligned with each other?

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