April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

you can call me a wolf for this but i think pressuring star is def worth it since they are actively voting kii for a reason which is not TRUE

I misunderstood his post there and I’ve already explained why I think they’re pretty likely to be aligned one way or another. Also, a reminder for town protectives to be on Rhea tonight.

star is probably dying today anyways

please read my posts

At least Star’s execution will yield good info one way or another.

Again, for mechanical reasons I would prefer a single counterwagon, but none of Leafia, Kiiruma, or Canping appeal to me especially as choices. I will swap to one of them if needed to have a single player with the second-most votes.

I can accept that I was misreading their mech talk, but saying I’m voting someone over something that “is not true” is incredibly misleading

VOTE: Pandora

To help Rhea out. Besides, I think Pandora has wolf equity too.

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VOTE: Pandora



9 minutes to EOD and it doesn’t look like I like it

I’d still rather vote stayboy out but having a second wagon for rhea is okay

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jarek vote starboy?

My ability is also not paticularly strong for what it’s worth, I am not worth saving on that front

I don’t think voting one of my townreads would be the right decision

But if I vote pandora I just tie the vote 4/4

Please look closer at Kiiruma after this, the way they defended themselves today had a few other people also gesture at without closely analyzing, I think its far more damning than their early game

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Leafia reads town to me still, but they mentioned they were a strong wolf so w/e
Jarek Rhea and Willow all also get legacy TRs

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Marluna too, less than those 4 though

I’d be willing to vote pandora they’re a null read of mine and I think they’re likelier to be a hit than star is