April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

I’m saying this whilst taking what you’re saying at face value and not looking back at all, because it’s late, and I’m going to go to sleep soon.

When I hop back into this thread tommorow I expect to see 10 votes on me and me actually just being dead

jokes aside, I’m definitely looking at EOD for my victims list. Namely the wagons. I have a good feeling there’s a hit there somewhere

VOTE: Heiter

but you can have my vote for now

Bed time

I will add to this. Since the cat is out of the bag about the NH. I’m in the same neighborhood of the Lover’s Triangle. We have basically the same passive, when I last played April showers two years ago (The last member didn’t really want to claim the NH D1, so I let them anonim for the moment, until it is necessary to reveal, or they do it themselves.)

They are mostly inresponsive in the neighborhood as well. Story was most active only when Chomps voted them for being a hydra. (And they felt it as a personal attack.) But that was also nothing game-related either, rather mostly whining how unfair Chomps is towards them.

@Chomps since you are mistaken of Starboy (sure we all did) would you like to quote Starboy’s posts that leads to your vote?

Wait. Does that mean any of the three of us visiting one of the other two, or any of us visiting anyone at all?
(i haven’t visited neither Heiter nor Jarek last night, I’ve visited someone else.)

will see later beacuse i don’t renember and it’s 9 am

i will also pretend i didn’t see this message 2 hours earlier and was just lazy to say anything

Do please reply back when you can

yeah uh, sorry bout that. Truthfully it’s been a while since I’ve played and I’ve been struggling as to how to get into the game and actually like. Play. If it seems like my reads aren’t natural it’s because they aren’t. I’m just trying to jumpstart my way back into the game and uh. Failing. It is entirely my own fault
About my different tone - I’m just like that. I fill the role I’m given. On discord im tom york I speak in sans serif. I act accordingly. Here I’m heiter, I speak in georgia. To me that requires more formality.


Notably no one has really talked in the hood all that much. For future reference, talking about someone being upset in hood chat for reasons you consider “nothing game-related” is generally considered rather rude, especially when the incident you mention is one I’ve said to You I shouldn’t talk further about as to not cause an incident


Frankly I’m not really sure what to do to get out of this rut. I’ll be here for the most part today, hopefully.

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I was trying.
It’s not my fault people answered my question literally half an hour before submission deadline. (something I was asking before EoD)

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Nevermind the introduction, tell me what you read in this game so far, todaystory (and Aleph)

that’s bias beacuse they always play in a hydra

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I haven’t, really. It’s all just words. I like your initiative though I think (??) youd be more aggressive towards me as scum here instead of trying to allow me to join the game

Okay after a read i think it was not any specific message just tone? Starboy read like the kind of player I’d be really scared of when they’re wolf, and it probably influnced me subconsciously

Gut feeling does comes from specific messages that give you strong impressions, again I am sure you could point that out.

Because otherwise I think you are plagiarised

there are no specific messages it is still the tone

By this are you suggesting Chomps was coached to react to and follow wagons by a wolf team in certain ways?