April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

uhhhh thread sure is doing things no new confident reads but like GtH
carbonated town heiter town frost wolf chomps town no clue on kiiruma (inclination is to say town but i’m particularly hesitant for some reason) marluna’s still null (jarek & rhea still town)

From his exact words, he have exact viewpoint I have about Starboy

I’m back and nothing new has developed. Personally still believe one of these wagons is a wolf, Pandora/Canping seem like the likeliest choices leafia has this infection thingy going on which is making me wary of voting them for now but it isn’t proving anything one way or another

eh i kind of like pandora but based on wagon comp i’ll give the slot another re-read. soon.

I think their track ability is less useful than it’s let on to be and honestly reading it at surface value it sounds like a wolfy ability - Namely because if you are the informed minority, a more powerful version of a tracker that goes after 3 people and not just 1 makes sense to me.

Social wise, their D1 was good but I’ve seen very little of them (or really anyone actually) D2. Perhaps it’s because wolves are frozen and scrambling for excuses or hope we do their job for them, I’m not sure. I want to see more from Pandora, and a good reason to go after someone else if they don’t want me to vote them.

VOTE: Pandora

Meaning, one stay at home while two players moved out of home?

it means that between the three of them they visited teo people

good morning

anyone else around?

I’m here.

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this is just story


I think multitasking is a thing. But I definetly visited only one person N1, so in this case it’s a very likely possibility.

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who were the wolves in your opnion?

oh i see

what about “I’m fine if I’m anticlaimed” makes you think I think my ability is useful lmao

Well you have to understand that I consider it a possibility that if you are mafia the anti-claim is in mafia’s hands and they obviously won’t anti-claim themselves. Or it’s an ability that won’t be loud, so we won’t know if it’s happened to you.

It’s not clearing by itself to claim I say

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anyway i will point out that my wagon yesterday looked like this

like this was the whole thing. 3 messages of people not even thinking i’m wolfy

Canping/You, and lets be honest the starboy wagon isn’t pure in all likelihood

okay leafia thought i had equity with. someone. but rhea just wanted someone else and starboy didn’t explain