April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

I’d have to ask why I was chosen in that trio. Save for maybe some points towards being provably real instead of hitting 3 wolves who all say your info is fake or whatever

I’m against the idea that despite my best effort we didn’t even manage to vote an evil yeah, I have some belief in my abilities :sob:

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What are the chances there is a wolf in the two main wagons D1?

I roleblocked Heiter last night with an item. I believe that is why the kill was stopped. Leafia’s ability also could have stopped a kill. If neither of these things were it, the kill was stopped by some as-of-yet unrevealed role.

…Well maybe I shouldn’t ask about odds, rather in your reads.

Leafia visited Kiiruma right.

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Because if it was then Leafia would have kept the vote there, I do have no doubt that mafia may have passive to prevent manipulative actions taking place on that player, like strongman.

But no, no one died so maybe not roleblock immunity.

Leafia visited Kiiruma. This could have prevented the kill.

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Why would the mafia kill an suspicious player…in a sense he is suspected I mean.

Do the mafia really want to risk to trying to scapegoat me…or Chomps as well?

Canping is in that wagon too but…

If both are town, very high, if one is a wolf, then there’s more of a chance they’re on the town wagon than the wolf one. you can see what i’m getting at

One can possibly on Starboy yes, although on your view, you think Pandora is town as well?
(Before the 3 watch thing)

I think they could go either way

ah, i see

That leaves, if both main wagons are town, 6 vs 7 divided.

1 mafia in 6 and 2 mafia in 7., but I digress Jarek…so what would be your focus?

How do you figure 3

Either way I think there’s 1-2 evils on the wagons, or are wagons themselves. There can be others who aren’t voting or whatever lets not pretend that they’re all active at all times and will never ever be inactive

Basic maths in 15 player setup.