April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

D2 Votecount

Heiter (3): Chomps, Rhea, Leafia
Leafia (3): ElizaThePsycho, pandora, soweli
Kiiruma (1): Creature
pandora (1): Jarek

Not Voting (7): Frostwolf103, Canping, Kiiruma, Marluna, carbonated, Heiter, SMILEY

@Rhea Did that happened at EoN1?


personal bias regarding story i think but i do not thnk heiter is a wolf

that is =rand odds LMAO

well yea but like “doesn’t care that much” = / = “doesn’t care at all”

equating Existant Motivation to AI motivation isn’t always true

re: mechanical information that has been revealed

how did this happen?
you couldn’t have received it at night and used it the same night

leafia’s mechanically claimed action is wolf there’s no shot. leafia is just wolf

because its anticlaim, not antirole
also, you said that it was obvious to you who sent the message, as opposed to actually knowing
imo there’s high odds you actually have mechanical information suggesting who sent it that you are withholding because you’re wolf, just based on these posts

and therefore it’s not useful! it is not a useful strategy but it makes a declarative statement that cements the idea without nuance!

yea i know i was just commenting

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It’s a pretty efficient method of including what one finds wolfy about a slot.

I received it at the start of the night. Presumably the action to create it was taken during the day.

Leafia hasn’t explicitly claimed her role action. What are you talking about here?

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targeting kiiruma because she wasn’t sure about his alignment

You don’t even know what she targeted him with.

but her method of claiming it is sus af

Given her action it makes sense as a decision. If you think the way she claimed it is suspect, that is fine, but I find it to be a very sensible choice, at least from Leafia’s perspective, given my knowledge of her role.

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this is just stupid question…
How would you know anti-claim can happen during the day, if you weren’t mafia?
VOTE: Leafia


Haha does that mean I can ask the item giver to give me something to do in the night :pleading_face: