April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

To be fair there hasn’t been need to bring that up until recently, and they haven’t been around since. I’m interested in hearing a claim potentially. Anti-claim ain’t nuffin.

i really do not think it’s heiter but i could be convinced i guess

i need to read the arguments

busy rn tho

Hey so

I know this sounds suspicious as fuck

but i had my ability reversed

i count the number of visits my targets GET, not make

okay so
alot to take in here
i have now read and ishmael not around sooo ill just say what i have which is uh. not alot
i didnt visit nor receive any feedback of any kind. however, my ability has no confirmation on my end so if anyone received some oddly threatening feedback last night then i was redirected.
frankly? dont trust anyone involved in this nonsense


What are all claimed stuff so far?

DIRE crosspost

The mech game is annoying me

so two people visited my 3 targets. if a person visited 2/3 they are counted twice

visited one* of my 3 targets

im visiting you tonight good luck

i have been PONDERING

sorry :bowing_woman: :bowing_woman: :bowing_woman:

im ngl i have no idea what’s going on and am going to take it as it comes

its okay pangea we love you