April Showers The Third - MAFIA + NEUTRAL VICTORY

Eh to be fair I think leafia auto defaults to going with kiiruma most of the time? Or maybe just someone they know.

VOTE: Leafia

actually im sheeping rheaVOTE: Rhea

oops VOTE: Heiter

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Not sold on leafia, I think resolving the apparent incorrect investigative information is prudent as opposed to uh, what amounts to blind guessing?

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Itā€™s not really blind.

Leafia just wants to appear to be town, and believes she reserve to being townreaded on superficial reasons.

I would also much prefer to execute between Heiter and pandora today, preferably Heiter first. If pandora flips town with the exact ability described, we know that either Heiter or Jarek performed a visit last night.

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Now I can see what you mean I have actively been seeing this but I just see that every game, town or not, from leafia and much like chomps I donā€™t read them for what they do in these early days any more

I donā€™t mean to put myself in the line of fire here, but if you roleblocked heiter, wouldnā€™t your choice be between killing me or pandora?

In this world, youā€™ve roleblocked heiter, marluna claims just 1 visit and I claim none. If pandora is a wolf or whatnot then it entirely depends on what their ability is since theyā€™d likely be lying yada yada

If pandora is town thenā€¦I mean, the only conclusion you should reach here is the occams razor of heiter roleblocked, Marluna telling the truth (why would they lie when they are tracked after all), Me lying because Iā€™m the only one unnaccounted for. I know Iā€™m telling the truth - you donā€™t know that.

Now yeah I guess marluna could be lying and has 2 visits not just 1 and be the liar in that world. But thatā€™s a weird thing to lie about when youā€™ve been tracked, lets be honest.

Honestly, maybe Iā€™m overthinking this. I know Iā€™m not a visiting role and I know Iā€™m real so maybe Iā€™m just being taken at face value. Still down to put myself in the line of fire to make this ironclad though.

but she did way too much compared to any villa game I remember from her.

a few interactions of her can be described the following way.

ā€œlook at me, Iā€™m definetly town for this and thatā€ and when someone points out, that the thing she did, doesnā€™t make them town, she follows up with: ā€œI didnā€™t claim it makes me townā€

Itā€™s just so misleading. And as far I know, town Leafia sticks to her claims, and defuses (or at least tries to) the incorrect reads on themself before just simply changing the perspektive on her previous messages.
It just doesnā€™t feel like Town Leafia for me.

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I donā€™t read leafia much one way or the other currently. Theyā€™ve done things I consider townie as much as wolfy and like I said I just donā€™t achnowledge the slot that much one way or the other socially speaking.

In another word I like reading leafia mechanically rather than anything else.

in another another world if you want my vote, my vote is a vanity vote currently so if youā€™re asking for me to join your cause Iā€™m not against it. Iā€™d prefer to resolve the investigative discrepency but as detailed above until my questions are answered, itā€™s kinda weird how itā€™s being handled imho

Roleblock immunity.

Does roleblock immunity (typically) imply wolfiness?

Enough to justify pushing them in your world?

It is very common for wolf roles to have some form of roleblock immunity, from anti-claim, from specific actions which cannot be blocked, and so on. Heiter have not claimed any kind of roleblock immunity, so at this stage they would be necessarily hiding it to the villageā€™s detriment, which is enough for me to treat it as a guaranteed wolf slot.

Additionally, you would have no real reason to claim that you were the one to not visit if you had actually visited. It would be pointless self-incrimination. Most roles are visiting and there was no kill last night. You could simply claim your true visit and a false role if you were that concerned.

I am specifically concerned about Leafia because I cannot quite get a handle on the exact moment she changed her mind about Kiirumaā€™s alignment. She was sure Kiiruma and Starboy were V/V or W/W for reasons I found rather shaky to begin with, then Starboy flipped V. She should have townread Kiiruma in theory. Of course, since her initial reasons for pairing the two were shaky, I would understand if she came around on that readā€¦ but she seemed to ā€œstart softening on Kiirumaā€ no less than three separate times this morning, which is odd. One would think she would only change her mind once.

Hmm. It makes sense to me. I have potentially needless paranoia that your goal here is to ā€œchainsawā€ both me and heiter, and kill pandora last. Itā€™s paranoia. But youā€™ve explained this well enough to dissuade some of that paranoia.

Justā€¦yknow, donā€™t expect me to die so easy if Iā€™m actually right :stuck_out_tongue:

VOTE: Heiter